Recent content by The Chairman

  1. leaders of the USSR & USA

    United States of America: President of the United States: Thomas Woodrow Wilson (Democratic Party) , March 4, 1913 - March 4, 1921 James Middleton Cox (Democratic Party) , March 4, 1921 - March 4, 1925
  2. DBWI: Korea Declares War on France

    I'd be surprised if the Eiffel Tower survived this second nuke.
  3. US Presidents Challenge

    1961: Richard Nixon (Republican) 1965: Richard Nixon (Republican) 1969: 1973: 1977: 1981: 1985: 1989: 1993: 1997: 2001: 2005: 2009 US Vice Presidents 1961: Henry Cabot Lodge (Republican) 1965: Henry Cabot Lodge (Republican) 1969: 1973: 1977: 1981: 1985: 1989: 1993: 1997: 2001: 2005: 2009:
  4. AH Challenge: A Non-ASB Islamic States of America.

    I cannot see any possible way for the United States to become a nation with a Muslim majority after 1776 without a lot of ASB intervention, so I voted no.
  5. That's no Moon! Oh wait, yes it is! PANIC!

    This reminds me of a trailer of another stupid movie called Mega Shark vs. Giant Squid that I saw a while ago.
  6. Alternate Profanity

    By Pluto's heart you better not tell us what they are.
  7. Challenge: Sarah Palin Born In Canada And Becomes Prime Minister

    Didn't I see a thread like this a while back?
  8. What if France was Protestant?

    The question is, what if the dominant religion in France was the Protestant faith instead of the Catholic faith? I'm thinking that it might require a stronger English influence on the French and might lead to better relations with England which in turn might lead to New France and maybe a few...
  9. Alternate Weapons of War thread...

    My computer crashes if I try and upload something from Paint onto any site on the internet.
  10. Alternate Weapons of War thread...

    I've just been wondering what a rifle from the 1930s originating in Bavaria would look like if Germany stayed divided longer. If I was able to put my drawings in MS Paint up on, then I would do it myself.
  11. Alternate Weapons of War thread...

    Look at the size of that gun!! :eek: I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that mech.
  12. Map Thread V

    Since my computer crashes every time I try to upload a map, can I request a map to be made?
  13. NOOBWI: Wut if gourge washintin was made king?

    i think tat if gorge washintun wuz king ten he wuld be gorge i ten jon i ten tomas i and it geoz on an on forevr
  14. NOOBWI: Wut if gourge washintin was made king?

    gorge washintun wont invad iran bcuz he iz smrtz not liek gorge bush
  15. Alternate Weapons of War thread...

    Nice job, Russell! That is probably the coolest looking gun, OTL or not, that I have seen in a while. (Hey, gtrof. Which of my Alternate WW2 Weapons are you going to draw next, if ever?)