Recent content by star lord 7

  1. AHC: Wank your birthplace

    I was born in Vegas, and I humbly disagree. Right off the top of my head, Vegas would be worlds better if the City had consolidated instead of allowing places like Paradise to go their own way, and robbing Vegas of revenue. The City also would be a whole lot more beautiful if we hadn't...
  2. Most interesting scenario to you.

    Out the gates, a nice plausible Alexander want because I'm an Alexander fan boy... I'd love to see a TL which has a thriving Iroquois League. Also, a TL that features a Japan that fully adopts firearms and embraces the outside world, becoming a great power.
  3. WI: Atlantic Slave Trade Never Existed

    To answer your question in a simple sorta way, the Atlantic Slave Trade was a huge drain on African populations, with millions of people being siphoned off to work plantations in the Americas (there were other jobs, sure, but that was the big driver). The need for slaves drove wars/raids for...
  4. The Horse and The Jaguar

    By the gods, I thought this TL was done! If you're bringing it back, I add my fanatic support, as this TL was one of a group that hooked me to the website!
  5. AHC: Disney Owns DC Comics and Star Trek

    As long as Disney did the same thing they did with Marvel as far as hiring a person who controls the overall story arcs (Kevin Feige for Marvel and Pablo Hidalgo for Star Wars), this would be nothing but good for an alt-DC Universe/alt-Trek cinema series.
  6. Stupid Luck and Happenstance.

    I like the possibility of an enemy at the gates redux, but that last update made me wonder if a certain Man of Steel may be in the crosshairs...
  7. AHC: A Dictatorship in the United States

    My favorite answer to this question is Old Hickory himself... Just have Jackson be especially embittered by his loss after the 1824 election, and maybe toss in some conspiratorial atmosphere with his closest supporters, and perhaps we could end up with Jackson marching on the Capitol to claim...
  8. WI: Caesar dies in Gaul, how long does the Republic last?

    Right off the top of my head, I'd say that Pompey could conceivably take Caesar's place as Dictator for Life, but I'm not sure if that would be able to spin off into an empire in the manner of Augustus.
  9. Death of a Republic (A monarchical USA timeline)

    Well... that escalated quickly... This pretty much guaranteed that the struggling republic is gonna continue tearing itself apart. As a request, could we know more about this Carolinian Slave Revolt? Also, I'm loving this TL! Keep it up!
  10. Making nefarious plans...

    Making nefarious plans...
  11. AHC: "Russia" governed from Constantinople

    Since we're going with air-quote "Russians," my attempt at this AHC would be to wank the hell out of the Rurikids and have them conquer the Byzantines and then continue to expand over OTL Russian territory.
  12. Spartan Empire With Helots

    Here's an idea, long shot though it may be... What if the Spartans simply acquiesced to the Persians during the Xerxes invasion, and became the satrapal seat for Greece? This way, they don't have to reform the helot system, and they get access to Persian wealth. It may not be the kind of empire...
  13. Spartan Empire With Helots

    This seems like the best means to lay the groundwork for a Spartan Empire. Sounds like a nice basis for a TL! (mental gears start turning)
  14. Spartan Empire With Helots

    Something like this. The Spartans were too rigid, and I always thought that this aspect of their society played a big part in their decline.
  15. Spartan Empire With Helots

    Well for starters, roll back the practice of dehumanizing the helots so they have a reason to give a damn about the future of a Spartan Empire. Or, at least give them a clear path to rise somewhat through the ranks.