Recent content by Simreeve

  1. Christo-Buddhism

    An alternative inspiration for the Reverend Moon?
  2. Map Thread XXI

    What crops are they growing, given that so far they apparently haven't reached any of the areas where the major OTL crops were developed?
  3. Everyone gets US joining Axis wrong even on youtube. So many possibilities.

    Can you remember what it was that Wellington (as he later became) said about the generals senior to him initially in the mission to Portugal? I know that there was something on this topic, but can't remember the details... (At least, I'm fairly sure that it was him who made the remark...)
  4. What if France won the Franco-Prussian war?

    One interesting note about the OTL Franco-Prussian War _ Reportedly one of the British army's Irish infantry regiments had been stationed in Britain for what a majority of its personnel considered too long -- This being before the reforms that, among other things, cycled infantry battalions...
  5. An alternate English medieval royal succession?

    Some literary scholars think that he was also the original model/inspiration for the addition of Lancelot to the Arthurian stories. At one point some jealous rivals claimed that he was in an adulterous relationship with Margaret: He offered to disprove this by facing them in Trial by Combat...
  6. Entry With A Bang – A Gunpowder Bronze Age
  7. Miscellaneous <1900 (Alternate) History Thread

    Which probably leads, sooner or later, to some of the former British colonies accepting British protection... and perhaps a Dominion of New England? Also, probably, Britain gets all of the Oregon Country which gives British Columbia a stronger "West Coast" identity and makes it less likely to...
  8. Brittany Remains Independent Until the 17th Century?

    Give them the place that's known nowadays as 'Cape Breton Island', just for the irony?
  9. No Camels

    Oh, BTW, is this only 'Old World' Camels or is the entire family Camelidae? Having no llamas or alpaca would handicap the Andean cultures...
  10. PC : Vietnam war is akin to korean war ?

    Also, no land next to Korea for a 'Ho Chi Minh Trail' to supply any potential Communist guerrillas in the south.
  11. No Camels

    Shouldn't this be in ASB?
  12. Alternate Ancient Empires

    Have you ever read Alfred Duggan's biography of Mithridates Eupator, 'He Died Old'? Early on in it, there's a line that I can still remember -- accurately, I think -- despite last having read that book back in the mid-1980s: "He began his reign in the typical fashion of an Asiatic monarch...
  13. Map Thread XXI

    <looks at Baltic Provinces, Poland, Ukraine... Oh, and Dodecanese as well> A draw? Riiiight....
  14. Nova Hibernia

    The 'Chief Secretary for Ireland' (UK government minister, who could sit in the Cabinet, and effectively head of the island's administration although nominally subordinate to the Lord Lieutenant; in this case, also brother to another Minister, who responded to the killing by splitting the...
  15. How long could some Mayans have stayed independent?

    They can probably export some [relatively] high-value tropical timber, if nothing else.