Recent content by RodentRevolution

  1. What if Mussolini joined the allies in Wolrd War 2?

    Not sure about the last. I think you are right to note the upsides as well as the downsides but among the downsides Germany still needs resources like copper and oil from the Balkans and the same lack of foreign exchange as per OTL. So I would expect German entry into the region to secure this...
  2. What if Mussolini joined the allies in Wolrd War 2?

    Germans get stuck in the Alps. Lots of Italian memes never get invented.
  3. German victory WW1 - How different from Nazi Germany would it actually be?

    OTL they did not have to pay for the large Imperial war machine and certainly unlike TTL did not have to pay for a large force on operations which is considerably more expensive than the same number of troops on normal peacetime duties. Also the actual amount paid will start to give you an idea...
  4. German victory WW1 - How different from Nazi Germany would it actually be?

    Nazi propaganda. I have a challenge for you. Find the sum of reparations that Germany actually paid OTL. Then compare this with the fact that Germany was spending on defence the equivalent of 101.8 million pounds sterling annually as of 1913. In this scenario the defence budget will be much...
  5. German victory WW1 - How different from Nazi Germany would it actually be?

    Which is going to create all kinds of morale issues. The moment the Germans demob some of their soldiers the others still in will want to know why not them? The AH have even bigger problem with this due to the need to balance increasingly fractious and alienated minorities. Now this is...
  6. German victory WW1 - How different from Nazi Germany would it actually be?

    The thing is the transport system constraints do not favour Germany over Britain. The system over which it will be trying to pass greater volumes is less dense. The distances greater and significant choke points occur at multiple locations along the route such as farmers' markets in Argentina...
  7. German victory WW1 - How different from Nazi Germany would it actually be?

    Shore guns failed to close the Dover passage for either side in World War 2 when they had radar. Mines are less effective than Germany would like, destroyers are less effective than Germany would like and you clearly really hate the crews of U-boats. As for geography Britain has not moved...
  8. How long could WW1 have lasted if the US never entered?

    The funny thing that which you accuse others of is exactly how the German victory is sought in this thread. Oh but what about the handwaved German field victories you say, there has been a lot of CP handwaving. The importance of logistics has been handwaved away, the lack of ability to actually...
  9. “It is better to cure a sick man than to kill him.” A Northumbrian Survival Timeline

    You are alive and hopefully the students have left something of your sanity, that is the main thing :)
  10. Wrapped in Flames: The Great American War and Beyond

    Thinking about it Burnside was often more in his element as an engineer than the commander of manoeuvre army. Alas the British may be playing to his strengths. (Americans are of course allowed to yay at this).
  11. Britains anti Slavery Movement Leads to Active Support of the Unionists?

    It has been discussed elsewhere on this board but long story short the Union really did not want too much British or indeed anyone's help. After all the political imperative was to show the Union could manage its own affairs and survive on its own. That said the British did not blink when the...
  12. How would Germany and Japan do against the West with a Pro Axis but neutral Soviet Union?

    By this logic they should have won OTL as they did not have tens of thousands of pilots and planes in Russia then either. The problem for the Germans is they cannot afford to buy or barter for Soviet stuff they need a significant chunk of it at least to be given them. Even just facing Britain...
  13. 1941 - Britain and Japan vs USA - How long until the USA wins?

    Okay fair enough. The issue lies in assuming the US as was is unprepared for war. A war that comes to it, it was in fact very prepared for, which is not the same as perfectly prepared for but still it had the means in place to defend against any likely attacker. This did need mean planning...
  14. Best British battlefleet for ww1

    The issue prior to and it is probably more 1916 than 1920, is not with the armour or armouring but with the subcompartmentation and other damage control supporting it. Once that the concepts for that is learned then AON makes a lot of sense but I think it would take a while for designers to...
  15. 1941 - Britain and Japan vs USA - How long until the USA wins?

    Actually trying to assault the British Isles from the CONUS springboard has been discussed extensively on this board. The outcome is not positive. That said RN carrier doctrine versus the USN in 1941? Yeah you thought losses at Midway were bad, the British have much better fighter control...