Recent content by ramdomperson

  1. Measuring Hitler's Intelligence. Average or even above average? A rough estimate.

    Definitely above average as demonstrated by outmanuovering many of his enemies in his early career. His intelligence was often undermined by his insanity, childhood trauma/abuse, fixation on an inherently irrational world-view/ideology and later, his drug use.
  2. Could Japan have won WWII if the US had mismanaged like Mussolini?

    That raises a few additional questions: Did the commanders on both sides know of the disparity in troops? Could the Japanese commanders have used their hypothetical victory to bluff the Midway garrison into surrendering or withdrawing? Was their reputation bad enough that the Midway garrison...
  3. Was Japan's economic growth in the 80s and early 90s truly unsustainable?

    Yes, as a good chunk of that growth throughout the 1980s up to the Asset Price Bubble was illusory due to excessive loaning by the Bank of Japan giving loans regardless of their borrower's actual ability to pay back. This was not helped by the perception of some of the resulting unprofitable...
  4. Ghastly Victories: The United States in the World Wars

    I'm not sure that crop yields will benefit. Artillery explosives during WW1 tended to have toxic materials inside and would poison the soil.
  5. Ghastly Victories: The United States in the World Wars

    Maybe give us a summary finale chapter if you don't want to continue?
  6. AHC: Make the German Atomic Bomb Project a Credible Threat* to the Allies

    After getting the resource and scientific issues out of the way, there is still the problem of the visibility of infrastructure and the need to protect it. Germany was under frequent photo surveillance, especially towards the end of the war. Any attempt at building the gaseous diffusion plants...
  7. An Unmutilated Victory

    There's a few ideas I feel are unnecessarily repeated. Here the difference in wealth and food between Bavaria and Prussia is repeated, so is the suspicion of food hoarding and familial strain. Here the exploitation of the eastern territories is repeated.
  8. Japanese PMCs after World War 2

    I seriously doubt that would be allowed. The victors would see the formation of Japanese PMCs as a way to circumvent the disarmament part of the peace treaty. EDIT: PMCs as a way for Japan to deniably continue fighting.
  9. A very different Brazil : Federative Commonwealth of Brazil

    I guess that the POD is a very different treaty of Petropolis or the new constitution because I don't see the monarchy of Brazil being restored without some severe internal turmoil.
  10. The Great Crusade (Reds! Part 3)

    I guess this means that he survives the war. This raises the question of whether he stayed in Berlin, or if he fled and was intercepted.
  11. Challenge: Create a Kurdish state

    The Turkish portion could be possible if the Turks lose their War of Independence, and/or if they join the Nazis in WW2 and have the Kurdish regions partitioned off. If Kurdistan already existed, the Iraqi portion could be possible if the British decided to punish Iraq following an alternate...
  12. AHC: American Army has Italian levels of competence in WW2

    The POD makes this highly unlikely. After 1934 means the major sources of societal stress (Great Depression) that could lead to an ineffectual military have been or are being addressed.
  13. Summer of Nations (1848 Victorious)

    The dates here seem to be incompatible. Why would a book written in 1962 discussing the alt-Taiping rebellion compare it to an event about a century in the future of the book? How does Deseret maintain control of the colony? Texas and the USA control any routes of communication and supply to...
  14. Zimmerman Telegram backfires even harder

    Should the TL be written out, I would suggest that it be focused on Mexico and North America. I do not see an Entente Mexico having much impact on the war in Europe.
  15. Zimmerman Telegram backfires even harder

    So, what if Carranza's government decides to act on Zimmerman's telegram not by accepting it, but instead by assembling their best writers and psychologists to craft the most insulting reply they can think of, in the vein of the Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks. The goal is to take advantage of...