Recent content by Prime Minister

  1. Prime Minister

    Crimson Flags over Paris: A Communard Timeline

    12th, May Town of Vézelay La famille Duchamp had proven to be the most extraordinary and kind people Louis had met in his years under the sun. Docteur et Mme Duchamp were seen as something of local leaders to the townsfolk. Their children, three girls, cared for their small farm, which helped...
  2. Prime Minister

    Crimson Flags over Paris: A Communard Timeline

    9th, May Paris Commune Amélie sat in the observation balcony watching the proceedings of the commune, excitedly taking notes as she hung on every word. She had found a steam of luck, she had sold her story on the Break Out from Paris, as well as notes on some of the low-level political...
  3. Prime Minister

    Crimson Flags over Paris: A Communard Timeline

    I will start putting them in.
  4. Prime Minister

    Crimson Flags over Paris: A Communard Timeline

    Hey all. I just wanted to say that this has not been abandoned. Just that I work at a turkey processing plant, and between Canadian Thanksgiving, American Thanksgiving, and Christmas, my life is a hell of work right now. But once things slow down a little I'll be posting regularly again.
  5. Prime Minister

    In The Years After

    25th, September, 1983 Comrade Doctor Volkov sat in his small dimly lit office. It was lined with filing cabinets, and small stacks of paper and medical journals. Next to the door hung the official portrait of Yuri Andropov, his bespectacled eyes looking always watching. Doctor Volkov felt that...
  6. Prime Minister

    WI: American and French Alliance early 1800s

    Is there a path to where the United States of America, and France under the First Republic, or Napoleon could become officially allied? If so how does the alliance with the United States affect the Napoleonic Wars?
  7. Prime Minister

    Crimson Flags over Paris: A Communard Timeline

    6th, May Communard-German Frontlines Alexandre moved hurriedly behind the earthworks forming the basic defenses built up by the National Guard. Behind him lay a shallow trench lined with wood bracing the packed earth walls. Before him, less than a kilometer eastward stood the German occupiers...
  8. Prime Minister

    Crimson Flags over Paris: A Communard Timeline

    5th, May Paris Commune Amélie rested her back on the old wooden wall of a local coffee house. The light of the full moon casting shadows from the street, only just visible in the warm gold lantern light within. The crowd was larger, more vocal, and agitated then she had seen since before the...
  9. Prime Minister

    Crimson Flags over Paris: A Communard Timeline

    (Im not dead. Life just got in the way of writing) 2nd, May Somewhere in rural France Louis trudged ever foreword, pushing through the dense thicket towards the sound of running water. The pale mix of moon and star light, cast a light almost blue, unearthly glow over the trees, and mass of...
  10. Prime Minister

    Crimson Flags over Paris: A Communard Timeline

    They are doing well at the moment yes.
  11. Prime Minister

    Crimson Flags over Paris: A Communard Timeline

    (In 'honour' of Queen Victoria's birthday I will post two updates this weekend) 30th, April Paris Commune Amélie marched though the streets of Paris, the buildings illuminated only by the first few weak rays of sunlight still struggling to fight back the blacks, and blues of night. She...
  12. Prime Minister

    Crimson Flags over Paris: A Communard Timeline

    30th, April Paris Commune News from the other French provinces had been mixed thus far. Orléans had been leveled and reduced to rubble at the hands of the Reactionary armies, other small cities and rural towns had suffered the same fate. But yet many still resisted, and the Red Flag flew...
  13. Prime Minister

    Crimson Flags over Paris: A Communard Timeline

    15th April Orléans, Third French Republic/Orléans Commune The news of the assassination of President Theirs at the hands of revolting Parisians had sent shockwaves through French society. Rumors soon spread that they had placed the poor man's head on a pike high above the walls of the city...
  14. Prime Minister

    No (1900s) Warlord Era in China?

    How can you avoid the Warlord Era in China, and have the Republic of China be more successful, keeping the vast majority of the nation united?