Recent content by orbeyonde

  1. Best case scenario for mid-east

    As soon as the US gives Manhattan back to the natives, As soon as Poland returns Prussia to Germany, As soon as Russia returns Konigsburg to Germeny, As soon as the US returns Hawaii to the Hawaiians, As soon as Saudia Arabia returns parts of Mecca to Jews and Christians, As soon as China...
  2. Best case scenario for mid-east

    Aid to Israel is in reality aid to US Military contractors. They get to sell more hardware to the feds who in turn sell/loan/give it to the Israeli's. Ask the guys who work at Northrop Grumman and Boeing if they are in favor of reducing Israeli aid? Israeli aid is a form of corporate...
  3. Best case scenario for mid-east

    When did this forum turn into kozkids? I love how the jews are held up to a standard that no one else on the planet is held up to or even expected to hold up to. There were jews living in Mecca. As soon as the Sauds turn over parts of the city back for jewish residents, the Israelis should...
  4. WI Mandela executed after his treason trial?

    sort of like what happened IOTL with Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe?
  5. A more equitable Jewish state?

    wow, the anti-semetic crap being stated in this whole thread without any response is amazing. Even the title implies that modern day Israel, the only nation in the middle east where arabs have the right to vote, is somehow inequitable, because it is a jewish state. Is Saudia Arabia evil for...
  6. Logical Middle East Borders

    I was going to write something long and compelling to explain why Israel is a completely legitimate nation, much more so than 90% of the nations on this planet, and it was an absolute neccesity for the nation to exist where it does so today, but then I realized why bother. No matter what I...
  7. Challenge: Australia-Fiji War

    Bravo! A very good timeline for a very silly proposition. I am impressed.
  8. Communist Iceland

    Nahh, who would have thought in 1950 that Cuba would be a communist nation without a Soviet invasion. Anything is possible.
  9. No Canberra

    or Rio isnt the capital of Brazil?
  10. Black Russians

    Hate to ruin the concept of this forum, but there are Black Russians. They are a very small percentage of the population. They consist mostly of descendents of American Black communists who emmigrated in the 20s and 30s as well as African students who came to the Soviet Union for free college...
  11. Nuclear Yom Kippur War

    What if some crazy soviet general in 73 had given Sadat one small nuke to use against Israel. Good bye, Tel Aviv. This however would free Israel to use its entire nuclear arsenal against its enemies. Much of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Saudia Arabia are sheets of glass. I agree with prior...
  12. Ford wins

    R.I.P. Gerry Ford
  13. Taxi Driver never made!

    Say the following line in the voice of comic book guy from the Simpsons: "Best American Dad episode ever"
  14. Japan dominated world

    I can see it now. With the Japanese victory and world domination, we would have sushi places on every corner, we would have insipid Japanese animation playing on tv 24/7, we would have book stores with whole sections devoted to Japanese comic books, Japanese industry would dominate and destroy...
  15. Belgium collapses on Dec. 15th, 2006

    Lets just hope Michael Richards doesn't say something on the same day as well or it might not even make the papers at all.:D