Recent content by nacho216

  1. AHC/WI: Another independent nation in North America...

    The Republic of Yucatán was a sovereign nation located in the Yucatán Peninsula in eastern Mexico. It was composed of a diverse population of Mayan, Spanish, and other indigenous groups who had lived in the region for centuries. In the early 1800s, tensions began to rise between the Republic of...
  2. The Legacy of Saint Brendan: A History of the Western Hemisphere, 512 to 1400

    I've never even seen Conan the Barbarian, and that's the voice I heard it in.
  3. This Crazy Century of Ours: A Collaborative TL

    January 5 1915: Zapatista forces repulse forces led by Alvaro Obregon in Puebla. Obregon himself is captured in the battle January 15 1915: Carrancista forces are repulsed by Villistas in Guadalajara. Carranza is killed by a sniper during the battle. Constitutionalist forces are demoralized...
  4. This Crazy Century of Ours: A Collaborative TL

    February 1, 1915: Japanese forces begin landing at Lungkow, Shandong in China in preparation for a siege on Qingdao. China considers this a breach of neutrality and (in light of the Demands Crisis) an act of war. China gives Japan 24 hours to vacate all personnel. February 2, 1915: China...
  5. This Crazy Century of Ours: A Collaborative TL

    Yes. Consider it retconned. Lol. We're all so concerned with the European war, we've forgotten the great upheaval on the other side of the Atlantic.
  6. This Crazy Century of Ours: A Collaborative TL

    December 1st, 1914: The armies of Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa meet in Xochimilco in Mexico City. Their combined armies of 50,000 march through city. Some Villistas rob churches and rape. The Zapatistas remain mostly orderly. December 2nd, 1914: Mexican interim president Eulalio Gutierrez...
  7. This Crazy Century of Ours: A Collaborative TL

    Papal non-intervention actually isn't entirely ASB. Vatican nonintervention was actually a break with the past, and Papal courts preceding WW1 were actually pro-German, Italian, and Austrian and anti-French and Russian.
  8. This Crazy Century of Ours: A Collaborative TL

    January 10th, 1915: In return for Italian recognition of Vatican statehood, Pope Adrian VII issues a papal bull giving support to the Italian (and therefore Alliance) war effort. January 11th, 1915: Bulgaria, and Serbia declare war upon the Central Powers, Albania, Greece, and Roumania...
  9. This Crazy Century of Ours: A Collaborative TL

    January 6th, 1915: Roumanian, Bulgarian, and Greek militaries begin to mobilize. January 8th, 1915: British and French delegates to Constantinople offer over one million pounds of gold and spoils of war after victory over the Triple Alliance in return for Ottoman support of the Entente war...
  10. This Crazy Century of Ours: A Collaborative TL

    December 13th, 1914: King Ferdinand of Roumania demands an official apology from King Ferdinand of Bulgaria. December 15th, 1914: King Ferdinand refuses to issue an apology. In turn, Ferdinand of Bulgaria demands an apology. December 21st, 1914: Representatives of Russia, Serbia and...
  11. This Crazy Century of Ours: A Collaborative TL

    What are important figures but mere regular people lifted by mere chance of history? Plus, you can't discount how successful the Marshall Administration would have been. Lol.
  12. This Crazy Century of Ours: A Collaborative TL

    November 26th, 1914: A border skirmish occurs involving a Bulgarian scouting party in disputed Romanian territory. December 1st, 1914: Josef Stalin, while ice fishing on the Kureika River, falls through the ice and drowns. December 8th, 1914: En route to give his Second Annual Message to...