Recent content by mowque

  1. AHC: 10 million Hawaiians

    Heck of alot easier to import to Hong Kong or Manhatten then Hawaii!
  2. DBWI: Paris is not destroy

    The main loss, of course, is the artwork and architecture that was irreplaceable. While some of the artwork was saved in OTL, that was a pretty small fraction. The Lourvre would mostly be housed with originals, not copies or imitations. I can imagine that tourism would be even bigger in...
  3. What if Crete held, but Bismarck escapes?

    I think it would be a net gain for the Allies. Crete has lasting impact on the North Africa theater but the Bismarck can always be sunk later (as it will be).
  4. AHC: "Sound of Music" #1 longer

    Nuclear War between the USA and USSR? That should slow down the movie industry.
  5. Is it possible to defeat the Normandy landings?

    There isn't one. I mean, the most obvious downside to the plan is that the guns were in peices on an entirely different front. But they would be horribly useless weapons against the Allies which can total air domination.
  6. Is it possible to defeat the Normandy landings?

    The Allied air forces will just pummel it to wreckage during the extensive set up period.
  7. Is it possible to defeat the Normandy landings?

    It is way, way not massive enough. :p
  8. AHC: Fascist America before 2000?

    Something around the Great Depression but you might want to start setting things up as early as possible to get conditions just right.
  9. Questions Regardin the Sea Mammal That Shall Not Be Named

    Not if you count the U-Boats, I don't think. Not that they could help with Sealion.
  10. Is it possible to defeat the Normandy landings?

    It is way, way too massive.
  11. WI: More active Italian Navy in WWII?

    This is generally what I think. The Italain Navy just doesn't have the ability to stand up to the Royal Navy, certianly not in a theater rated as important as the Med. That said, it could have knock-on effects for Italy if they lose a bunch of ships. Maybe they hold back even more on land/air?
  12. Pennsylvania Canal

    It wasn't a real canal though. It was a hodge-podge of private canals, portage ways and some rivers. I used to live right next to the old portage part. They had to lift the boats with giant steam engines to get people over the mountains. It was very inefficient and wasn't really a water...
  13. Pennsylvania Canal

    Where the heck would you put it? I used to live on the watershed there and the mountians are high, steep and extensive. Where did they plan to dig this canal?
  14. A (groan) German invasion of America, with British support

    I explore an idea somwhat similair to this in my TL, although the war involves the Carribbean since a 'real' invasion of the USA is impossible in this time period.
  15. How would imperial Iran respond to regional events?

    How are all those things NOT butterflied?