Recent content by Malcolm Forest

  1. Look to the West Volume V: To Dream Again

    Hi to the author, Pretty confused to what is going on. Also very confused as I am pretty sure this has to be an ASB story. So why is the author posting this in the Before 1900 forum? I have read other stories like this with similar super eruption events which have been posted as ASB. Please...
  2. The Horse and The Jaguar

    I'm a new fan who really loves this timeline. Excellent work and I'm glad it is still alive and thriving. Keep up the good work, Author :)
  3. Eisen, Blut und Fernhandel -German Unification in the 1860s

    Excellent story, and Beer seems a very talented and likeable chap. Looking forward to the next posting.
  4. Lands of Ice and Mice: An Alternate History of the Thule

    Really enjoyed this story up to around page 100 or so, but eventually the continual usage of some artificial, rediculous, nonsensical dating system known as CE/BCE annoyed me too much.