Recent content by LendleAlba

  1. Photos of the New Order

    Richard Nixon, 36th President of the United States of America (1961-1964). Widely regarded as one of the worst Presidents in America's history, his vetoing of the Civil Rights Act of 1962, involvement in the Watergate scandal, and unpopular intervention in the South African War fueled a massive...
  2. Photos of the New Order

    Still from the 2007 film The Sound of Clocks, about the reign of Sergey Taboritsky and the "Holy Russian Empire". The film received many accolades and awards, with Derek Jacobi's portrayal of Taboritsky being a focal point of praise, though there was some controversy of the film's depiction of...
  3. The Campaign Trail Game Has Returned.

    581 votes in Ohio and Wisconsin gave Carter the Presidency:
  4. The Campaign Trail Game Has Returned.

    Romney/Ryan break the blue wall four years early:
  5. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

    Unless I'm missing something, that map gives Clinton 279 EVs.
  6. Kaiserreich complaints and changes you would like to see?

    You could have the bolded intersect interestingly with a Sorelian France - IIRC of the out-and-out Totalists in the 3rd Internationale, they're the most overtly anti-Semitic.
  7. Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    Ironically enough...probably something like Churchill.
  8. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

    Ah. Yeah, I'm not really familiar with Mulaney and the only John I know with any connection to the Clintons is QAnon conspiracy theories claiming Hillary offed JFK Jr to run for Senate.
  9. Kaiserreich: Legacy of the Weltkrieg

    That would be impressive seeing as he's 20 when the game starts. Though IIRC one of the ways Argentina can win the Chilean War is for the Syndicalists to get ousted in a Pinochet-esque coup.
  10. Photos of the Kaiserreich

    Still from a scene in the 2004 film The End, where Federal President John N. Garner (portrayed by actor George W. Bush) flies into a rage upon learning a counter-assault on AUS forces besieging the provisional capital of Los Angeles has failed and not been carried out. The film was...
  11. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

    >Greens win popular vote, come in fourth with barely more seats than BQ I was not prepared for these levels of kek.
  12. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes V (Do Not Post Current Politics Here)

    I'm going bonkers trying to find an infobox series. It was a 60s-80s/90s-2010s parallel, with JFK as Bill Clinton, Howard Hughes as Ross Perot, and Sam Walton as Donald Trump. The descriptions were intentionally vague, which made it fun to read but an absolute ballache to find. Can anyone help...
  13. Photos of the Kaiserreich

    Workers' militias and other armed citizens converge on the New York Stock Exchange on October 20, 1936, following Jack Reed's call for mobilization in response to Gen. Douglas MacArthur's coup on September 26. While hardly the only event of its kind, the NYSE's nature as a symbol of American...