Recent content by Legend-in-Exile

  1. AHC:How would Asia be affected if the republic of china won the civil war

    Isn't that because renouncing the claims would be seen as a declaration of independence. Which Beijing will likely start sabre rattling or even sabre drawing over. Not to say that the nationalists wouldn't still claim areas, just that there is reasoning behind Taiwan's claims iotl.
  2. Napoleon's balloon attack on England

    Perhaps eventually, but at the time of the invasion they were clearly a distinct group. Also it's not like the French king took possession of England. Or that he contributed anything to the invasion. Trying to say that the Normans were French is like saying the Bretons were or that...
  3. Napoleon's balloon attack on England

    It's Temeraire, like the ship, or His Majesty's dragon in the US I think. Also the Normans weren't French so not sure how France conquered and subjugated England when it was yet another kind of viking.
  4. Hitler defeated, toppled 1940; what do Allies do with Germany?

    Well if France doesn't fall, Japan doesn't make a grab for Indochina. No grab for Indochina, no US embargo. No US embargo and Japan doesn't need to snatch resources, they can continue to buy them. Japan merrily continues in China while nobody is watching. Now eventually there may be a...
  5. United States of America and Britain

    Not at all or not slowly?
  6. PC: North and South America One Nation

    I would say a Spain that formed a lasting permanent union with Portugal would have a very good chance. As long as they make sure France and England stay weak/distracted, and that the Dutch either stay or are brought under the thumb too. They could always take any other nations colonies in...
  7. Alternate Reality with channel tunnel (what does Hitler do)

    I'd rather see a Horatio at the bridge scenario, with a small group holding the tunnel long enough for the BEF to get back intact and armed, and then the British to destroy their end. It's then optional for the survivors of the plucky group at the French end to swim their way back. (If we...
  8. Alternate Reality with channel tunnel (what does Hitler do)

    Well... Once upon a time the British accidently put mercury in their national tea supply. This made every single person on the Isles incredibly stupid. They therefore planned no contingency for securing/destroying the only land route onto their otherwise fairly impregnable island homeland...
  9. White supremacists execute 9-11-01

    3/150. Is nothing. It means they got 2% of the vote. You can't compare the US 2 party system with FPTP with the Dutch c.12 party PR system. I recently saw this study of values between Western Europe and the US. The...
  10. Which Ethnolinguistic Group deserves a wank?

    Breton/Cornish would be interesting. I agree with Basque too.
  11. White supremacists execute 9-11-01

    You know that the Netherlands uses proportional representation right? So the 1-2 seats they have is hardly an indictment of Dutch politics. (The female membership issue you cite was dropped years ago as it was causing them bad press) They get seats in proportion to their tiny share of the...
  12. Effects of an embarressing Atlantic defeat

    I actually think it's the Germans who will lose out in the long run... They are under the impression, based on unlikely event after unlikely event, that surface raiding is a viable option. They may waste valuable U-Boot materials on surface ships that cannot possibly live up to the luck of...
  13. What would the English language look and sound like if the Norse conquer England?

    Dutch is even more similar imo. Number Dutch 0 nul 1 één 2 twee 3 drie 4 vier 5 vijf 6 zes 7 zeven 8 acht 9 negen 10 tien 11 elf 12 twaalf 13 dertien 14 veertien 15 vijftien 16 zestien 17 zeventien 18 achttien 19 negentien 20 twintig But then they are all Germanic...
  14. What made Britain able to establish such a huge empire?

    Ethnic cleansing isn't genocide. Genocide involves actually wanting to wipe out a group through killing them, ethnic cleansing doesn't always involve killings. Forced deportations, language/cultural suppression etc are all methods of ethnic cleansing and don't necessarily involve killing. Aside...
  15. AHC: President with longer last name than Washington

    Strictly speaking she doesn't have a surname. (She just belongs to the House of Windsor) I think whoever wrote it was just trying to illustrate the convention when a woman wants to keep her surname as the final of the two. Usually as her name is more prestigious. (We had lots of discussions in...