Recent content by JoeDonut

  1. WI the good guys had better songs?

    A great version of the US National Anthem If any of you are lucky enough to see a the Yankees have a home playoff game in person you will hear an excellent rendition of God Bless America. It is one of the few times that I heard it and was just amazed and felt great for having heard it. But I...
  2. No Mr. Rogers

    I think without him both public television and Sesame Street would be in a much more difficult situation than they are now as he brought many viewers to those stations he was on. You could also see some smaller effects on people's personalities as he had a large influence on many children's...
  3. Baseball What Ifs

    I feel that if Leyritz didn't hit that home run the Braves won game 4 and would have won the series in 6 or 7 games. If that was the case the Braves would have clearly been the team of the 90's hands down rather than slightly behind the Yankees. I think that if they lost the series in 96 and...
  4. NFL what ifs

    Hi im new to the board, its my first post, What if the Cleveland Browns had won one or more of the AFC Championship games the they lost to the Broncos in the 1986,87, and 89 seasons. Without making the Drive and 3 early career Super Bowl apperences does John Elway become as highly touted as he...