Recent content by Jcw3

  1. jcw3's Map Thread

    I'm afraid not. I haven't made a map in years.
  2. Not a fan of that franchise, and haven't made maps in ages. Sorry!

    Not a fan of that franchise, and haven't made maps in ages. Sorry!
  3. Map Thread XVIII

    As a giant fan of the DC Universe, it's both incredible to see it adapted so thoroughly, and as a person who was planning to do a cover of the WildStorm universe, it's crushingly demoralizing to see you pull it off this well, lol. Incredible work. The Saddam line honestly made me laugh out loud...
  4. Map Thread XVIII

    Give it up for B Munro.
  5. jcw3's Map Thread

    Not counties. Florida did a bit of reorganizing when it became its own nation, broke itself into different states. There was definitely violence. The largest scale violence was against South Carolina and other slaveholding states, rather than the aboriginals, though. Probably going to rework...
  6. jcw3's Map Thread

    New project I'll be working on and off again on for the next week or two. Working title is Bring It Home. Map's premise is that a late 2020s Florida gets sent back in time to some point in the 21st century I haven't decided on yet, probably the 1760s or the 1770s before the declaration of the...
  7. jcw3's Map Thread

    When the Real regime fell to a military coup, not all elements of the military remained loyal. While the leaders of the coup were scrambling to organize the new government, a nuclear submarine loyal to the old regime launched quite a few nuclear missiles at bases who had declared for the new...
  8. jcw3's Map Thread

    Anyone ask for a United States that suffered from several radical regimes in the early 21st century, a small civil war that went nuclear, and then willingly requested European intervention before partially joining a federalized EU? Well, too bad, you're getting it anyway. Don't have a name for...
  9. jcw3's Map Thread

    I have not abandoned the Thaumic War series just yet. Here's proof. The further east you go in this map, the more likely it is that I'll revise it. The long and short of it is that the French and British (who desperately evacuated as many of their people to Africa as they could*) are struggling...
  10. Map Thread XVII

    I've returned to mapmaking after a long hiatus, and I wanted to share a WIP of my upcoming series with you guys. The long and short of it is that it's an edgy, dark magic universe of continuing escalation, where Germany and the Soviet Union both got access to corruptive and pervasive sorcerous...
  11. jcw3's Map Thread

    Here we go. I'm previewing my next map series, after a far too long absence from mapmaking. The Thaumic War series will take place in a world where, shortly after Barbarossa's initiation, both Germany and the Soviet Union began to discover a variety of dark magic and advanced technology (itself...
  12. Map Thread XVII

    It's difficult to zoom in on this map. Do you have a link to a larger version? It looks gorgeous, post-post-apocalyptic America maps are one of my favorite genres.
  13. jcw3's Map Thread

    Probably never. I've overall lost interest in mapmaking.
  14. Map Thread XVII

    Huh. You've read Worm? Genuinely curious as to your opinion.
  15. jcw3's Map Thread

    Peace and harmony, whether mankind likes it or not.