Recent content by hms malta

  1. hms malta

    The Twins v The Twins on 9th April 1940

    I would bet my future gender recognition certificate that the twins will be either sunk or damaged enough to mission kill them
  2. hms malta

    WI:Hurricane in Berlin?

    That would depend on the Japanese. If the skirmish at khalikon ghol goes into a full scale war then Stalin might try take Mongolia and Manchuria
  3. hms malta

    WI:Hurricane in Berlin?

  4. hms malta

    WI:Hurricane in Berlin?

    What would the other targets be besides Berlin
  5. hms malta

    Wi: A different battle of jutland

    Would it be such a bad thing for the fleet to change? The way I see it if the RN is a carrier navy we might see HMS Audacious and her sisters by 1939 and Malta class carriers by 1945.
  6. hms malta

    Wi: A different battle of jutland

    31st may 1916 The aircraft carriers HMS Hermes and Eagle along with 12 destroyers and 6 cruisers leave scapa flow at 05:00 hours for exercises in the north sea. Unbeknownst to the admiralty the High sea fleet is at sea.
  7. hms malta

    What if the F111K order isn't cancelled ?

    They should of bought the cva 01
  8. hms malta

    What if the F111K order isn't cancelled ?

    Good for the RAF but bad for the army and navy
  9. hms malta

    Wi: A different battle of jutland

    So it needs someone other than Fisher or jellicoe
  10. hms malta

    Wi: A different battle of jutland

    Oh wow no one
  11. hms malta

    Wi: A different battle of jutland

    In 1909 Clement ader releases his book 'military aviation'. What would the effects be at jutland if the admiralty read the book and build four aircraft carriers?
  12. hms malta

    AHTL:Without regard to finance and tradition

    That's what I am planning when I re mod the story
  13. hms malta

    AHTL:Without regard to finance and tradition

    Would a sustained air attack mission kill them?