Recent content by HellHound01

  1. Europa Universalis IV - 13 August 2013

    My one dislike is the lack of a way to see what the hell is going on in the rest of the world. In Victoria 2 they have the newspapers, I hope the do something similar in EU4.
  2. Europa Universalis IV - 13 August 2013

    I don't think so, colonies basically turn into powerful vassal states.
  3. Europa Universalis IV - 13 August 2013

    Really no single state can challenge you. Except maybe a centralized HRE or Russia if its ever formed.
  4. Europa Universalis IV - 13 August 2013

    Impressive. What is your historical relationship with the Holy Roman Empire? Did you fight many wars with them in the Middle Ages? What are your plans regarding them during the Age of Enlightenment?
  5. Victoria II

    In a multiplayer game between me and 4 friends, my buddy as France went through so many revolutions we lost count. He was at various times a Monarchy, Democracy, Socialist Republic, and Fascist state. He eventually gave up trying to stop the revolts because he had totally run out of manpower and...
  6. Victoria II

    Obviously you'll need more states. I'd suggest things like "The Empire of Avalon" replacing Britain and such.
  7. Victoria II

    Maybe not, it would still be cool, and it would only be a couple of them. The Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery could stay the same. Just some more "Steampunk" additions to the tanks and planes.
  8. Victoria II

    No, their isn't and its a shame. I've been waiting for someone who knows how to make mods to do this for years, and nothing. I've seen a couple threads about the idea pop up in a few places, but no solid work is ever done. I don't think it would even be that hard. Add in a few custom events...
  9. The Official Dieselpunk Thread

    That is a tiny sub!:eek:
  10. Base Maps from 550 BC to Modern Day, all in UCS!

    Hey man, just want to say I love your work on the 1885 map. It looks great, and I can't wait until you finish Africa!
  11. Crusader Kings II - Paradox Entertainement (02/12)

    Yes, it take forever. Generally I start it before I have to run an errand so its ready when I get back.
  12. Europa Universalis IV - 13 August 2013

    People who said they would play didn't show up, then when everyone got together finally it crashed. And I don't care, its an internet forum, bygones are bygones and all that.
  13. Europa Universalis IV - 13 August 2013

    I suppose we could try and get a game going. Last attempt didn't work so well.
  14. Victoria II

    When is someone going to do a Steampunk Mod for Victoria? It should have happened by now already.
  15. Crusader Kings II - Paradox Entertainement (02/12)

    Is it version 0.6?