Recent content by Great Laxit

  1. DBWI: Yugoslavia doesn't win the World Cup in 1990

    Let's say Stojkovic missed his penalty in the Quarter Finals, and Argentina knocked Yugoslavia out. Who is the most likely winner, what other knock on effects are there?
  2. WI: Frank Church assassinated during 1975 investigations

    If I had a guess when the Kennedy conspiracy theories really took off it would be when Jack Ruby offed Lee Harvey Oswald.
  3. WI: Frank Church assassinated during 1975 investigations

    I was thinking of Squeaky Fromme picking a different target would cause the most eyebrow raising, especially with speculation of Manson being tied to MKULTRA as a lab rat.
  4. WI: Frank Church assassinated during 1975 investigations

    None that I know of, but the committee hearings were very much on the public radar and they did a lot to discredit the intelligence services with American liberals, a fairly strong distrust that pretty much continued until investigations into Trump’s associations with Russia began. At which...
  5. WI: Frank Church assassinated during 1975 investigations

    The senate select committee headed by Frank Church investigated abuses at the CIA, NSA and FBI. Among the things it exposed were CIA foreign assassinations , attempted mind control experimentation programs (MKULTRA), domestic spying including on civil rights groups, (a lot of J Edgar Hoover’s...
  6. WI: Frank Church assassinated during 1975 investigations

    What it says on the tin. What would be the immediate effects of Frank Church being assasinated during the senate select committee investigations into abuses at the CIA and NSA?
  7. Would Canada no longer recognize French as an official language if Quebec successfully seceded in 1980 or 1995?

    Probably. I feel like Sovereignty would probably strengthen English language protections in Quebec because Anglophones would become a minority within Quebec (rather than a majority in Canada) and press for greater rights.
  8. WI Leningrad Nuclear Plant instead of Chernobyl

    I agree that part isn’t unique to the soviets, it’s all too common in capitalist societies. What was a direct result of the Soviet system (although not unique to it either) was the fatal design flaw being hidden purposefully to the point that the emergency stop button is basically turned into a...
  9. WI Leningrad Nuclear Plant instead of Chernobyl

    Pretty much. So let's say by laws of probability the same circumstances come to fruition in Leningrad instead of Chernobyl. It's not out of the question really. If it can happen in one RBMK reactor it could happen in another, as the issues that caused it were systemically widespread in the...
  10. WI Leningrad Nuclear Plant instead of Chernobyl

    Leningrad Nuclear Plant uses the same RBMK design, with the same flaws that Chernobyl had. So what if the circumstances of the Chernobyl accident occurred at the Leningrad plant instead.
  11. If the Atomic Bomb was ready by 1944 how would it have been used?

    What would happen to Germany if the A-Bomb was used successfully on a decapitation strike in Berlin, or Berchtesgaden.
  12. Map Thread XVIII

    Huh, I did not know that, and will keep it in mind in the future.
  13. AHC: Ellen Fairclough as Prime Minister of Canada

    Is there any plausible way for Ellen Fairclough, who was the first female cabinet minister in Canada and held the post of Acting Prime Minister for one day in 1958 to become the leader of the Progressive Conservatives and Prime Minister in her own right?
  14. Canada Prime Minister Game

    James Garfield Gardiner (LIB) 1946 Lester B Pearson (LIB) 1951 Norman Manley (Labour) 1955 Tommy Douglas (Labour-CCF) 1961