Recent content by Frentanus

  1. AHC: French-Italian Interbellum war

    Asb makes mussolini more hitler-like, and he declares war in order to annex french colonies (fascists claimed even Benin and Camerun in the 30's) and nice and savoy. In a war during the 20's italy will have better chances than later, but anyway the most likely outcome is a stalemate on the alps...
  2. Why is Italy so Pathetic?

    I live in rome. My family is from abruzzo (by father's side) and sicily (by mother's side). My grandparents in abruzzo were once little landowners (i always hear stories about how things worked there, and i know of people literally dyng while working) and we still should have some lands with no...
  3. Why is Italy so Pathetic?

    I can assure you that italian farmers (in the south and in the north of the country) worked as hard as anyone else. Maybe more. The harsh and arid ground of southern italy was transformed in farms in centuries of hard, underpayed work with no rights. Our farmers still in the first years of XX...
  4. Why is Italy so Pathetic?

    lol, sure. And black have rhythm in their blood, and americans are fat and stupid, and french eat only baguettes and escargots. Please do not talk if you dont know what you are talking about.
  5. WI:Northern Italy aa part of France

    it would be difficult for the habsburgs to mantain control of central-southern italy (and what about papacy?) while the french control the north.
  6. The Italian diaspora = Majority somewhere

    Well, the efforts to send settlers in libya were stopped by the war, and it was just since the last years that mussolini was sending large number of settlers in libya (20.000 in 1938). I agree with you about the difficulties to support a much larger italian population, and the new-founded...
  7. Map Thread VII

    i didnt know which one of the two empires should have got greenland... and then i forgot it:D
  8. Map Thread VII

    The world of "The Grasshopper Lies Heavy" from "The Man in the High Castle".
  9. Anti-Ottomanism?

    The greeks were nomads when athen invented democracy? because thats the time im refering to. And about the theoric ottoman good-behaving, id like to remind you the sack of Otranto, for example. Ive been there, and i remember a church still full of the skull of the people decapitated by turks...
  10. Anti-Ottomanism?

    in this topic there is people suggesting that diadoch's kingdoms were stalinist-like. If u anglophones think that bigoted=obtuse, then, the bigoted in this tread is not me.
  11. Anti-Ottomanism?

    well, at least it wasnt common pratice in european empires to strangle earlier monarch to rule a country. Turks (the oh-so-liberal-and-advanced-ottoman empire) did.
  12. Anti-Ottomanism?

    1) It is so clear that ur just tryng to confusing the debate that ill just answer that: there are elements which forged modern european culture, and obviouvsly classical culture is not just "god emperors, bloody sacrifices, overmighty generals". Just one thing: "no resemblance whatsoever to...
  13. Anti-Ottomanism?

    Yeah european culture evolved, mixing all of the elements i said, until illuminism. But turks didnt contribute, if not minimal to it. North africa's vandal state was too short lived to be deeply influenced by german culture as europe was. All the other your points just show how were ottomans...
  14. Anti-Ottomanism?

    1) Thank you, your very kind. 2) thats ur opinion. I can just say that in europe there arent many people who would like to be a turk... or to have turkey in their european union. 3) maybe what scared me more was to see places that remembered me 1890's rural italy's photos. Or a guide which...
  15. Anti-Ottomanism?

    1) clearly i dont. If u read my post u can (even if my english is pitiful) understand that. 2) clearly i dont. If u read my post u can (even if my english is pitiful) understand that.