Recent content by drakensis

  1. top tv shows NEVER MADE...

    Left to right: The Aqua-Mariner (Aquaman/Submariner) Iron Lantern (Green Lantern/Iron Man) Amazon (Wonder Woman/Storm) Super Soldier (Superman/Captain America) Dark Claw (Batman/Wolverine) The Speed Demon (Flash/Ghost Rider) Hawkeye (Green Arrow/Hawkeye)
  2. top tv shows NEVER MADE...

    The Apothecary Diaries Originally sold to networks as a dramatization about the 'first war on drugs', this series is a historical drama set in an unnamed Chinese city in the early 1840s, with a backdrop of the First Opium War. The story follows Mei-Mei, a young woman working as an the...
  3. top tv shows NEVER MADE...

    The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System For his many petty evils, a minor criminal is informed that he is to receive a succession of dreadful punishments in hell. However, the devil gives him one chance to avoid this fate: each punishment from the list that he can inflict on a deserving sinner...
  4. Keynes' Cruisers Volume 2

    "light night carrier"?
  5. Keynes' Cruisers Volume 2

    Coldstream Guards, not Cold Stream Guards.
  6. Keynes' Cruisers Volume 2

    I guess the cruiser doesn't have to worry about lung cancer.
  7. The Extra Girl: For the first heaven and the first earth were passed away.

    How unsporting of real life! Best wishes, I hope everything goes well for you.
  8. The Extra Girl: For the first heaven and the first earth were passed away.

    Quite so. And if anyone is wondering why all those marriages were taking place without Elizabeth's consent, the logic is unfortunately plain: there was exactly zero chance she would ever approve of them marrying. Any male heir they had would have a claim upon the throne of England, with the...
  9. The Extra Girl: For the first heaven and the first earth were passed away.

    Loving the political compromises and backroom dealings. I look forward to seeing how this extends to England.
  10. top tv shows NEVER MADE...

    No 1688 Glorious Revolution?
  11. top tv shows NEVER MADE...

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1974-81) A spin-off TV series from Doctor Who, H2G2 (as fans shorten the title) was intended as a more comedic, low budget show that could recycle settings and costumes. The show was carried almost entirely by Ronnie Corbett, of the popular Two Ronnies...
  12. A Blunted Sickle - Thread II

    Missing a threadmark on post #5459?
  13. top tv shows NEVER MADE...

    Highlander Duncan MacLeod (Adrian Paul), of the Clan MacLeod, is exiled from his home in 17th century Scotland after an accidental killing. On the advice of his parents he seeks out his uncle Connor (Christopher Lambert), a former soldier for hire who now runs an antiques shop in Paris...
  14. top tv shows NEVER MADE...

    I have no idea. I just took the concept.
  15. The Southern Roman Empire

    I think you mean feigned retreat, not faint retreat.