Recent content by Depar

  1. Californie- French California

    Maybe in some areas, like whatever equivalent of Native American reservations would be in Californie, but I don’t see any language other than French being allowed to promulgate. Note that the Spaniards still have their numerous separatist and distinct languages and dialects across Spain, there...
  2. A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

    Renaming ourselves the Slavic something state would hint to Pan-slavism, which tbh is pretty discredited and might lead to western Slavs like the Poles and Czechs to be even more anti-Russian due to past history. Remember that we also have substantial minority populations that have consistently...
  3. A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

    1.A) 2. A 3. Just call for calm and peace, no need to worry overly much I think 4. Voice support of China’s initiatives and see if we can join, even as an observer, one or all of these new organization.
  4. A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

    B) Marine Le Pen wins Presidential elections in France in 2017. This is a lot more interesting ngl
  5. A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

    I do wonder what people in thinking of the near wars between Russia and the West after the fall of the SU. This Russia is a democratic one after all, albeit not a liberal one, so much more difficult to tar with the authoritarian brush. Well, to some extent at least, there’ll always be a sizable...
  6. A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

    A) Yes We’re trying to build our own brand of democratic and prosperous governance here. Why not start now instead of later when things will have ossified/solidified? There is certainly no end of history, and no need to stay meshed to a particular form of governing; democratic or otherwise.
  7. A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

    C) United Labor Party/Agrarian Party Ngl the commie party would be pretty interesting to work with but for this term at least we should come together with the party that hews closest to our own goals and views for a future Russia
  8. A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

    Ohh this is real neat. Honestly Kasparov and co are total no-gos. He’ll pretty much destroy the Union State’s ties to traditional partners in favor of the west and just gives off this permanent activist vibe. Navalny’s much more palpable in my opinion by sticking with Nabiulinia for now. 1...
  9. Californie- French California

    Wonder how Frenchified the names for settlements would be. The French, especially Napoloen III aren't certainly going to accept calling San Francisco... San Francisco.