Recent content by DemonicToaster

  1. Tic-Toc! WI There is no atomic clock?

    Just think of the theories that leads to the creation of the atomic clock. And you end up making all those theories and their applications also impossible. And since you admitted to possible ASB, the thread should be moved to the ASB section. And really just delaying funding or somehow...
  2. WW2 with no USSR

    Sure. But there is not pro-Communist massive nation on the map of the world. His support may still exist due to local communists, but without the USSR the whole Jewish Bolshevism part looks weaker. And without that it will need to focus more on the racial side in order to justify invading...
  3. WW2 with no USSR

    Well the whole invade Russia is going to be different, since there isn't any communism. It can have the whole racial part, but without the USSR there isn't a way to point towards jewish Bolshevism. So he losses some supporters there. In fact he might not get into power. Japan honestly I have...
  4. WW2 with no USSR

    The great depression still happens, therefore no way to compete as a crappy war torn country in a fucked up global economy. No loans due to the great depression and most loans from WWI not being paid like the UK ceasing payment. And probably no one wanting to do what Stalin did in order to pull...
  5. Soviet Union joins Axis, December 1940

    Generalplan Ost... You are excluding a lot of the killing. And in Eastern Europe that's basically almost everyone, since they are undesirable/non-Aryans
  6. Who would win in a 1980s air war: NATO or the Warsaw Pact?

    I am now really tempted to buy CMANO. It would be a good day to simulate Warsaw and NATO aircraft at the single digit to low double digit fights. Also would simulate what happens when an Iowa goes against a Kirov.
  7. Who would win in a 1980s air war: NATO or the Warsaw Pact?

    Well a lot of Arab states are heavily incompetent due to various reasons. But somethings that cause that... Lack of initiative and discouraging that. A lot of yes men. Purposely withholding training and information in order to be sought by your subordinates. (The US had this issue when...
  8. WI the Russian steamroller actually happens 1914-5

    We have alternative universe/time travler here....
  9. Nuclear powered Iowas - BB-65 and BB-66

    I thought I put a question mark at the end. Anyways... A nuclear battleship has the disadvantage that any weapon system to protect it such as lasers are not matured enough. And honestly you could just go the Russian approach of AsHM. And no mass drivers/EM guns won't help hitting a farther...
  10. Nuclear powered Iowas - BB-65 and BB-66

    Why have nuclear powered battleships. I am willing to bet someone has being playing HoI2 (which game is the one with nuclear battleships as an option).
  11. Soviet Foreign Policy/Defense after fall of East Bloc

    ...You do realize you skipped the part were I said the Iraqi tanks were crewed by incompetent individuals. And were initiative was discouraged? There is a reason why I stated even an M1 Abrams could be lost to simply a terrorist with an ak-47 or a technical with no more than a MG. There is...
  12. Best possible performance for the Soviets in Barbarossa

    Need month(s) in advance in warning. Probably not in days. The USSR was also still going through modernization. It's possible they might do better in making the war shorter or less painful. But stopping them at the borders requires rapidly focusing on the Molotov line and sacrifing elsewhere...
  13. Soviet Foreign Policy/Defense after fall of East Bloc

    ...why don't people realize there is an export versiom of every equipment. And the crew and personnel are shit then you get certain situations like a ISIS managing to take an Iraqi M1 tank with just a technical or an AK. In fact IIRC the Iraqi tanks were given the steel APFDS. The USSR kept the...
  14. Soviet Victory in the Cold War: Cultural Change.

    I just did a quick check online for Soviet comics. Didn't happen until the final years going by one answer. And from what someone posted they said it had more to due with the dislike for comics. They preferred it in books like fantasy and sci-fi. Which is probably why when it comes to sci-fi or...
  15. Soviet controled USA in 1976 since the Korea War

    Honestly. His account says it's from 2008, but the low post count makes me suspicious if he is a troll and is one that none of the mods found an offense worth a ban. More so since what he is saying isn't in any of the Wolfenstein games nor is he being realistic (not even a realistic paper only...