Recent content by David Ritz

  1. Photos from 1983: Doomsday

    The Celtic Alliance is apparently a big trading partner with Plymouth.
  2. Photos from 1983: Doomsday

    It just occurred to me that formation the "Outer Lands" of the US Eastern seaboard are in many ways akin to the formation of Venice in the chaotic 5th and 6th Centuries....a maritime remnant that preserves the remnant of an old civilization's major population centres...
  3. Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo/Rumsfeldia Con't

    The anti-Lesser Mao indeed. A great way to put it. I imagine a lot of people would be amazed at how non-anarchic our world is!
  4. Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo/Rumsfeldia Con't

    More in FLaG news:
  5. Photos from 1983: Doomsday

    With the predominance of a "Celtic Alliance" in Europe coupled with TTL Canada being centered on the Maritimes, I wonder if there will be a revival of Irish in Newfoundland:
  6. Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo/Rumsfeldia Con't

    It has been a while since you have made a new post there.
  7. Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo/Rumsfeldia Con't

    I can't think of any anarcho-capitalist emperors. The best analogy to the CV would probably be one of the Iconoclastic emperors of the 8th and 9th Century. The closest would probably be Leo III who brought brief stability after the Twenty Years Anarchy and defeated an Arab siege of...
  8. Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo/Rumsfeldia Con't

    Also the fact that Agnew 's policies lead to the early rise of Islamic jihadism through the creation of the Bayanouni Caliphate from the collapse of Syria...and the fact that he catalyzed Western European estrangement. Yep, Agnew's brief tenure in office may look to future historians of any...
  9. The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

    A description of Italy after the Gothic Wars and Lombard Invasion: Sounds a lot like much of TTL Europe after the End of the Third Reich.
  10. Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo/Rumsfeldia Con't

    An actual quote from Milton Friedman:
  11. Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo/Rumsfeldia Con't

    I found another good foreshadow by Drew: "That would have been one branch, more or less the opposite of OTL. But that didn't seem like enough of a challenge for this TL. But then, since Wallace was no Carter, we can hardly expect Rumsfeld to be a Reagan...just a real sob, as Nixon once put it."...
  12. Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo/Rumsfeldia Con't

    An interesting minor factoid about the Gumboverse (on top of everything else) - there wouldn't be the stereotype of the Vietnamese nail salonist!
  13. Fear, Loathing, and Gumbo/Rumsfeldia Con't

    A key deconstructive theme of Drew's TL is the idea that stronger third parties would improve American politics. Somewhere early in Gumbo, Drew prophetically states that any serious third party could seriously de-stabilize the United States as George Wallace nearly did in OTL 1968.
  14. The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

    Also the growing education divide in the 1990s between those left behind by the growth of the information economy and those who benefited: