Recent content by Dalmighty

  1. The Arab Alliance Wins The Yom Kippour War!

    The Israelis would use their bombs as a bargaining chip for a negotiated peace. A somewhat humiliating one, but only one that returns the situation to the status quo. Not even the Arab leaders (Nasser) were stupid enough to push it nor would 'war-mongering' Israel break it open on Arab cities...
  2. What if Japan attack both Pearl Habor and Panama canal at the same time

    Even this scenario is more likely than the OPs. Any ALT WW2 sneak attack on the US by Japan would probably include Pearl Harbour as well, so I'm just thinking of something that'll work. But in regards to damaging the canal, the easiest way would be through the Atlantic side, where the Gatun...
  3. What if Japan attack both Pearl Habor and Panama canal at the same time

    Sacrificing a submarine or cargo ship isn't that big of a loss for delivering a strategic weapon. Although the chances of successfully doing it while the US is on alert is low. A sneak attack on the other hand would be much more successful. If everyone gets nuclear weapons, there'll be no taboo.
  4. AHC: Earliest possible atomic weapons?

    It'll happen with spontaneous events. A nuclear experiment gone horribly wrong with a Criticality accident would cause renewed interest in nuclear research for military applications. But not as nuclear weapons as we know it in the beginning. You just need a scenario where someone gathers...
  5. What if Japan attack both Pearl Habor and Panama canal at the same time

    How much damage would a ww2-era nuke do to the Panama canal? An ATL with much faster development of atomic weapons could see most major powers getting them before a WW2 starts.
  6. Worst army in 1940

    They won only with superior air/naval support, facing 2nd-line colonial troops or the Chinese. And their tanks only worked when facing even lower-quality surplus tanks from the Allies. While Japanese training was decent, their doctrine was terrible, stuck in the inter-war era. I think...
  7. Worst army in 1940

    Worst army doctrine is probably tied between France and Japan in 1940, but army quality on the other hand.. there's no need for a poll. Italy of course. Italian army doctrine wasn't too bad, but it was unusable for the most part due to poorly trained soldiers --
  8. AHC have the all Mexico Movement succeed

    Really, having all of Mexico into the Union would make the US even more screwed in the end, no matter what the US does excepting succession. Excellent TL possibilities though. How would the US stamp out rebels and social unrest in Mexico? Anything they do would just make it worse. Claiming...
  9. WI: European colonization of the Americas runs into a little problem.

    If the Native Americans were slightly more technologically advanced, they would indeed start forming into states with larger populations. And beyond that, they need the rudimentary skills to take European/Asian technology and be able to apply it to their civilization to keep up so to speak...
  10. More Populous and Powerful New Zealand

    Ha, the Shadow government: The Sheep council doesn't want to upset the balance of power, more humans would only weaken their hold on NZ society. Realistically, N.Z is too far away from the rest of the world to care, so it'll always have a more isolationist foreign policy. It won't bother being...
  11. WI Srivijayan Colonies of Madagascar become independent

    The empires of SEA don't colonize nor annex much territory, they're mainly states that enforce vassalage to receive tribute. This is why those empires are very fragile and the Srivijayan empire was lost in history until the last century. So yeah, like what everyone else said. Any 'colony' is...
  12. Iraq uses chemical weapons against coalition in '91

    The problem is that if the US follows that course of action, there'll be a much higher risk that mutual nuclear destruction would occur further down the track. People take chances yes, but after living through half a century of the Cold War, you would think governments wouldn't risk it. The US...
  13. How would the USA fare under a parliamentary system?

    Would US politics be more or less polarized? It won't do much for obstructionist efforts I think. I guess it's a matter of whether people think that compromising is a beneficial trait of government or not. More parties would really keep the government more accountable to the voters.
  14. Iraq uses chemical weapons against coalition in '91

    The problem is that people think of Saddam now as one those evil dictator/terrorists with no regard for his actions, so such an action is perfectly believable. If chemical weapons are used, they'll definitely not be ordered by Saddam and can will be used by rogue Iraqi units or even scheming...
  15. Japan strikes soon after Fall of France

    It might not be that soon. What of public opinion in America after seeing France falling within a month, the British retreating to the Home Isles, and then their colonial holdings attacked, all within a short time-frame? Non-interventionism might rise in the US, if people see it as a possible...