Recent content by cow defender

  1. An America without Vietnam

    well why wouldnt they go in?
  2. WI Pilate spares Jesus?

    Ok so what if Pilate spares Jesus converts returns to Rome as an apostle and converts the Emperor muahahahaha. (and for the record christ's crucifiction plays almost no part in my faith ((because of this my brother considers me a heathen and ridicules me for not being christian)), i...
  3. No Cold War?

    ` this is the Dewey who fought organized crime right? any changes in the mafia scene?
  4. jewish terrorists

    so half asleep lounging, and after ingesting several days of books, novels, magazine articles and movies (i was on a jewish kick idk why) my brain awoke with a start an idea in my head half formed and already dissolving- so say israel is never formed or is crushed by opponents early on idk...
  5. Society in a CSA Victory TL

    pb no peanut butter?!?!?!?!
  6. President Sam Houston

    he wasn't born in america?
  7. Leveller England

    ok so even if in your opinion a leveller england could not survive long, what then would be its legacy in the years after
  8. Peasants' Revolt + Percy Rebellion + Lollardy all in one go

    if the english peasants want to export their revolution you could see a NEW hundred years war
  9. Peasants Unite!

    oh man 1381 holds a special place in my heart, those men and women seem so sane by today's standards, fighting against spiritual slavery of the sort we cannot understand. let them win!
  10. AH Challenge: Western Communism

    oh man while he was in prison would be awesome!!!
  11. Alternate Andorras and San Marinos?

    the Free Port of San Francisco
  12. How would Visigothic Spain develop without the Arab invasions?

    it may balkanize as there was (if i recall correctly) a lack of centralization, so perhaps we will still see several spanish powers by the middle ages
  13. Native American Pantheon

    look at meso-america. it already pretty much had a pantheon of sorts, with different cultural grups spanning millennias interacted and blended religion. look at kokopelli and quetzaloatl
  14. TLC2: A Dropped Pen

    how does this thread have no replies? how is this diff. from otl?
  15. Challenge: Hybrid Civilizations

    i had a dream of a mexica-puritan mix... more of a business-trade relationship that grew into more than anything but it still kicked ass...these puritans weren't gonna take shit from nobody