Recent content by codger

  1. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    I was pretty sure that something in the past explained it ...
  2. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    This part: The Egyptian people had been growing more and more enraged with the brutal rule of the Porte during the 1840s and 1850s following their failed bid for independence during the 1839 Revolutions period. By 1855 things came to a head when a farmer refused to leave his farm when...
  3. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    Yes. Nice map. I have to read the last update but the small font is hard on the eyes. I'm okay with keeping it communitarianism.
  4. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    I don't know about anything. I read it in segments to catch up.
  5. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    I'd be one of those people who just wanted to see the tomb.
  6. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    I couldn't even hazard a guess. What's been the fall-out for Australia's economy? I suspect the war was good for manufacturing, but ruinous for the state's finances. The loss of 30,000 men in such a small population would also have been socially traumatic.
  7. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    More 3-d interactive maps please.
  8. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    We men have to learn to work together or we're sunk. [attempt at ironic humour there.]
  9. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    I wasn't sure that there had been an original gunpowder plot in your timeline.
  10. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    Why did they use Guy Fawkes masks in this time line?
  11. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    A nice twist on Darwin and eugenics! link
  12. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    I thought the way you described the French policy in the German-speaking territories was a pretty accurate representation of the way that most atrocities and tragedies tend to play out. Everyone has their cover stories.
  13. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    I'm not sure that I understand this part about Félix Cissey's last stand. Does he successfully hold off the Platians until a belated rescue from France, or does his stronghold collapse because France's gov't never comes to his rescue?
  14. Dimension 398 or How a Few Bacteria Changed the Course of History

    So what's happened to those anti-communitarian slave-owning colonists in Africa? Smooth sailing for them? Or have they been impacted by the international unrest?