Recent content by Clay/Bryan 2016

  1. What Pop Culture POD would cause the biggest change to our society?

    Reagan's film career going worse (or better) seems like a pretty big one. Nancy Davis not going into film would work too, as her father was the one who influenced Reagan's conservatism. Other than Reagan, no Hays Code seems like a potentially big one, although I wonder if things like the...
  2. WI: A President Came Out As Homosexual

    Even if the President was married, I think it could be played off as "I realized I was gay after our children were born, and we decided to stay together for their sake, until they were older."
  3. "Best" Films and Pop Culture AH (Sight and Sound Poll)

    It's important to take into account the way these films were watched too. The French critics who would go on to champion auteurs/Citizen Kane, saw it as part of a glut of American movies that were backlogged during WWII and dropped on them en masse afterwards. Who knows how this affected their...
  4. AHC: Have Washington D.C. as largest US city

    Yeah, not sure how to get the city proper to the number one spot, but maybe if crime in NYC remains bad post-1990 and if crime has an NYC level recovery in the D.C. area, the Washington metro area COULD be the number 1 metro area years from NOW. For an extreme example using a recent POD, how...