Recent content by CivEng

  1. Post here historical leaders who were of an ethnic minority (or foreign ethnic group) from the country that they ruled over.

    Ziya Gökalp, founder of Turkish nationalism was (at least partially) of Kurdish orijinal.
  2. WI No East Germany but the Soviets have a socialist Greece as puppet?

    How would Cyprus dispute develop with a communist Greece? Would Britain favor partition of the island?
  3. Why Did the Confederate Constitution Have a Single-Term Presidency?

    I am not American but I find it hard to believe that poor whites would see slaves as their brethren. One thing was right in TL191 fascism would be the ideology of poor whites in a surviving CSA in an economical collapse
  4. WI if Zionists had bought Israel/Palestine in the 19th century.

    I dont think any Muslim ruler can sell Jerusalem. Maybe some special governorate with a Jewish governor could be created. This governorate could be independent after WW1
  5. No suicides amongst the Nazi high command

    actually Roosevelt and Stalin wanted the trials.
  6. (Medieval Stasis) Stretching Iron-to-Medieval Age Tech for... 5000 years?

    What if there were more powerful and frequent plagues? I am thinking sth like a black death in every 100 or 150 years mostly effective at cities? I know it is hard to get but would it be enough?
  7. Historical European neutrals become belligerents in WW II

    I dont know how true it is I just read once in a Turkish source years ago, but according to that article sometime in 1944 Turkey wanted to attack Germans in Bulgaria but WAllies did not let because Bulgaria would be in Soviet sphere.
  8. Germans in Turkey

    There were some German families in Kars district settled by Russian at the end of 19thcentury. There was even one Estonian village.
  9. Can Greece become fully Islamic with any pod before 1900 ad?

    I thought Diyar i Rum is actually Anatolia
  10. AHC: A world without monarchies

    Only way is to get whole world go communist
  11. AHC: Holocaust denial illegal in US.

    I appreciate this position but it really is a slippery slope. If you go on this path then anti vaxxer opinions, denial of moon landings, flat earth theories must all be banned. Probably climate change denial too.
  12. Religion in *1984*?

    I never understood the asymmetry among the 3 empires. Oceania is always at war with one empire and ally with the other. If this is true, what makes Oceania special that it is never at war with Eurasia and Eastasia at the same time?
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  15. Ne efsunkâr imişsin ah ey didâr-ı hürriyet Esîr-i aşkın olduk gerçi kurtulduk esâretten

    Ne efsunkâr imişsin ah ey didâr-ı hürriyet Esîr-i aşkın olduk gerçi kurtulduk esâretten