Recent content by ChaoticBrilliance

  1. ChaoticBrilliance

    By 1900, how doomed was the Austro-Hungarian Empire?

    There was an interesting theory posed in a book I can't quite immediately recall the name of on the monarchy of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, that posited most of the trouble the late Austro-Hungarian Empire ran into was mostly that of growing pains, rather than signs of an imminent collapse...
  2. ChaoticBrilliance

    WI: Atomic Bombing of Tokyo

    This is just an assumption, but considering the American policy of quickly rebuilding the Japanese government following the atomic bombings and subsequent surrender, would using either 'Fat Man' or 'Little Boy' on Tokyo not run counter to establishing a stable democratic government following the...
  3. ChaoticBrilliance

    Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

    Considering Andropov is the leader of the U.S.S.R., I am curious whether the power struggle between Romanov and Gorbachev goes differently than it did IOTL, considering the two were the main contenders for power after Chernenko died, the successor to Andropov.
  4. ChaoticBrilliance

    Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

    Wait, who is in charge of the Soviet Union at the moment? It seems to have slipped my mind in all my celebratory manner.
  5. ChaoticBrilliance

    Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

    It's the time, the time is right! Reagan quips, neon lights, Cold War struggles, budget fights! I can feel it, you can too, as number one, not number two!
  6. ChaoticBrilliance

    Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

    The time is here, the time has come, and I will be there every step of the way to watch it!
  7. ChaoticBrilliance

    Blue Skies in Camelot: An Alternate 60's and Beyond

    Very happy to see this timeline back on! While it saddens me to see the Buckleyites not as preeminent as they became by now, at least in grassroots infrastructure, with all that has transpired it’s pretty obvious that nothing is the same, especially with American universal healthcare. Very...
  8. ChaoticBrilliance

    WI/AHC: Anglo-French rivalry revived in the interwar period

    Let’s say a strongman government in France is the most practical future for carrying out a souring of Anglo-French relations. My first question is, why you don’t think it would lead to a loosening of affairs between the United Kingdom and France? My next would be about how one could come about...
  9. ChaoticBrilliance

    WI/AHC: Anglo-French rivalry revived in the interwar period

    That being said, at what point is the trade off for German sympathy to French friendship made? For example, the Ruhr Crisis of 1923 where French and Belgian troops march into the Ruhr demanding debts paid as per the reparations of the Treaty of Versailles, would a prolonged occupation, which...
  10. ChaoticBrilliance

    WI/AHC: Anglo-French rivalry revived in the interwar period

    There was some research being done on my part on the British radar system built to provide early warning for bombers coming to the home isles, and there was a particular line in the book I was reading that caught my eye, mentioning that the first of the radars were built in the southern United...
  11. ChaoticBrilliance

    The Enemy of My Enemy | A World War Timeline
    Threadmarks: CH 1: 'The Twenty-ninth'

    'The Twenty-ninth' "Perhaps it was fitting that no ticker tape parades commemorated the inauguration of a man who stumbled into the highest public office in the United States by way of mere fate. It is, after considering the events under the Marshall Administration, nearly universally agreed...
  12. ChaoticBrilliance

    The Enemy of My Enemy | A World War Timeline
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    'An Appeal to the Common Sense' September 1st, 1939 A man of relatively average stature stands at the dais of the Palace of Nations in Geneva, his round, fleshy face, heavyset build, and simple but formal outfit making his presence stand out among the audience of delegates from states the world...
  13. ChaoticBrilliance

    Request Maps/Flags Here

    Apologies for the eleven day delayed response, but a Reddit sim, ModelUSGov, where we simulate the American government after having diverged somewhere in late June of last year.
  14. ChaoticBrilliance

    Request Maps/Flags Here

    Looking for someone to make a map of the United States with five states with roughly equal population distribution and political representation, atop economic realism. The only caveat is that it does not need to go by current state borders. I need it for an election game, which is currently...
  15. ChaoticBrilliance

    DBWI: Republican President Ronald Reagan

    Derailing the discussion with your baseless claims and lame insults does nothing to contribute to the discussion the original poster mentioned. It's blatantly hypocritical to say "I support unconditional habeas corpus" and then say you are okay with limiting it in the same sentence.