Recent content by Ceranthor

  1. Malê Rising

    Is Tippu Tib going to make an appearance in this TL? The Zulu kingdom? It would be interesting to see how Male ideals would influence their society.
  2. The Maurya without Alexander

    Chandragupta Maurya himself might not have been able to survive the political climate at the time, but the reigning Nandas were already heavily corrupt and apparently loathed by a good portion of the populace. The Mauryas themselves probably wouldn't rise to power, but you would see some other...
  3. Malê Rising

    If only OTL actually went like this...
  4. PC: India Invades Persia

    If the Cholas somehow manage to survive for another few centuries, could they possibly try to expand westward as well as eastward? Seizing Hormuz or some other coastal cities might win them a better share of the Gulf trade, which they probably would want to capitalize on... EDIT: Just read...
  5. Someone other than Alexander invades Persia

    My money is on an Indian power. Mahapadma Nanda, the founder of the Nanda Dynasty, was reputedly known as a "destroyer of the Kshatriyas", meaning he probably was a damn good soldier; if circumstances prevent him from operating in the subcontinent, then he might be forced to campaign westwards...
  6. Malê Rising

    I've been seeing plenty of discussion about how the Male are going to affect the development of the Islamic world, but to what extent are their ideals going to affect the non-Islamic portions of Africa? Are we going to see Male ideals enter the Congo? Or what about Zanzibar(though it too is...
  7. Ask Me About Ancient Egypt

    Did the Nubian Kushites actually contribute anything to Egyptian society? How much interaction was there between the two of them, and to what degree did each influence the other?
  8. Malê Rising

    :D:D:D:D Please don't be lazy like me and take months to update this. This is without a doubt one of the most badass openings to a TL that I've seen on this site, and on top of that, it's about Africa. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the Male will combat the incoming Europeans, and...
  9. The Lion Ascendant: A Zulu TL

    Thank you! Yeah, Mkabayi is essentially the last baddie from the Uzungu, and once she gets removed we're generally going to see things get a lot better for the Zulus. The end of the Uzungu, however, means the beginning of the Mfecane, where what went on Zululand will be replayed across the...
  10. The Lion Ascendant: A Zulu TL

    Update the Fourth: Boetha What do you know, you've inspired me :o The Wild Cat “Who is Mkabayi kaJama? A monster to some, a hero to others, a traitor, a demagogue, a murderess, a legend; to the Zulus a Nero but to liberals an Alcott; to the Wahabbis of Rehoboth a shaitan, a devil, but...
  11. The Lion Ascendant: A Zulu TL

    I honestly don't know. The problem with writing this TL is that I have to establish so much background that getting to the actual plot becomes almost impossible. I have a pretty good idea of where the TL is supposed to go, but making it both plausible and historically accurate requires me to...
  12. More successful Himyarites?

    I'm curious as to what influence the Axumites had over Southern Arabia. Did they ever completely conquer it, or were they limited to trade? Did they ever get close to sacking Mecca, as I've heard some people claim?
  13. More successful Himyarites?

    The problem is that pre-Islamic Arabia is a really obscure topic; there's some information on places like Hadhramawt and Saba, but no one really knows much about them. Personally, I've never heard about the Himyarites. To what extent did they control Arabia? Who did they trade with/what...
  14. AHC: Make This Somehow Happen

    Are you referring to Lion's Blood, by Stephen Barnes? I think the Muslims involved were West Africans, though, not Arabs or North Africans. It's a great book, you should definitely check it out.
  15. AHC: Make This Somehow Happen

    This AHC is basically to get African/Asian/Mesoamerican superpowers with foreign colonies, and to have European slaves in the Americas. They don't have to be Irish; considering that the Chesapeake climate/African diseases might kill Northern Europeans, it would actually make more sense to get...