Recent content by Bee

  1. Constantius III Lives (2023 ed)

    Gildas wrote that the parents of Aurelius Ambrosius had worn the purple. Not much to go on, but contemporary sources for Britain in the period 411 - 450 are virtually nonexistent.
  2. Peter III lives longer

    Ivan VI was still alive if someone was able to spring him from his dungeon. He also had younger siblings. Another alternative figurehead is the tsarevich Paul.
  3. When's the latest that nomads could beat a western-style army?

    A western army, nonetheless, just adapting to the conditions.
  4. Wank "Wales" with a POD no earlier than 800 AD

    There are a couple of references to fleets in the Welsh Triads One example is: 13. Three fleet owners of the Island of Prydain. Gereint son of Erbin; and Gwenwywnwyn son of Naf; and March son of Meirchiaun. In the fifth century Britons colonized...
  5. WI: Coolidge/Harding 1920

    Never heard this one. What's the story?
  6. Question: English royalty and name John

    The name eventually accumulated an unfortunate reputation in some courts of Western Europe. Robert III of Scotland was originally called John but changed his name when he became king, being conscious of the dismal reigns of John of England, John Baliol of Scotland and John the Good of France.
  7. An alternate WWI

    You might check out A Mad Catastrophe: The Outbreak of World War I and the Collapse of the Hapsburg Empire by Geoffrey Wawro. The title says it -- AH performed very badly and there was a lot to fix.
  8. First Crusade

    Remember that Antioch fell only just in time for the Crusaders. Kerbogha's large Arab relief force from Mosul arrived days after the city fell and would probably have destroyed the Crusader force if it was still in the open. In any case, moving south after accomplishing little isn't in the...
  9. Romano-Britains repulse the Saxon invasions

    I'm not sure that native paganism still had much clout among the Britons (yet another area open for speculation) but it's pretty certain that there were some heresies (Pelagianism, Priscillianism) that had significant followings in Britain. In the 5th century this was another dividing factor.
  10. An alternate WWI

    For the uninitiated (me), what was the Russian Great Program? In any case, Austria is not going to be up to the enhanced military task assigned to it, although it could at least manage to perform better against Serbia than it did in OTL 1914-15 (three failed invasions; finally succeeded in the...
  11. Where would be the best place for a german state to set up a colony in the new world?

    The Hanseatic League, early in the reign of Charles V. The League consisted of free cities who were traders and it had a fleet of its own. It's easy to imagine Charles V owing them a favor (especially before the Reformation) and giving their colony his protection. The colony could be on the...
  12. AHC: Prevent the Great Famine in Ireland

    And that's how the famine ended. The 'lumper' grown in Ireland was vulnerable to the blight virus while many other potatoes were immune. That's why Ireland grows lots of potatoes now, but unfortunately it was years before anybody realized it. It would also have helped if there had been...
  13. WI/PC: Queen Anne Has Several Surviving Children

    Queen Anne was the last monarch to exercise the royal veto. If she was succeeded by one of her own children, it might continue to be exercised.
  14. Big guns in rail turrets.

    Both sides used armored trains extensively in the Russian Civil War, especially in Siberia. They employed artillery on some of the trains, but I don't know the size of the biggest guns.
  15. AHC/WI: Emperor Belisarius

    Belisarius turning against Justinian for reasons of selfish ambition seems unlikely, as noted in previous posts. You need to come up with a different motive, or remove Justinian. Justinian removed: if Justinian was killed in the Nika riots, Belisarius, as leader of the loyalist troops, could...