Recent content by Bakenellan

  1. Map Thread XXII

    Probably as viable as independent Patagonia or Alaska. It's livable enough especially with current technology, but really difficult to establish. There is nothing much of resource except gold. And reindeer.
  2. WW3 in the 70s?

    I'd think they would spare a few for major cities and sea ports just in case. May luck out and malfunction of course. Another point - was Australia even in range for Soviet ICBMs? If not you would be only in danger from sumbarines which happen to be in South Pacific. And - almost on topic - I...
  3. Which dictator would you rather live under?

    I wonder. Chiang even on Taiwan is not really great though possible. Before - you'll face the war and Mao afterwards (unless you manage to run to Taiwan again) Mussolini seems like a "safest" choice especially if you are not of a "wrong" nationality. You still can die in war and post-Mussolini...
  4. What would be better for Germany in the long run: No World Wars, or victory in WW1?

    Central Powers victory might establish a world dominance of Germany for a time. During that time life standards there would probably be higher then OTL. Nevertheless until nuclear weapons are introduced the chances of WWII are not insignificant. Of course a Supreme Germany might win again and...
  5. Sino Russian war 1993

    You'll probably need both hardcore Maoist China and Zhirinovsky as a Russian Holy Leader for this to happen. A lot of nuclear fire...
  6. Post-Soviet Russian plans to transition from communism.

    Well, original propositions of much-maligned advisor to Russian Government, Jeffrey Sachs, were significanly different from what was implemented. There is a very good (if obviously self-apologetic) article about it. I used to link it periodically on these forums but it has been moved so there is...
  7. Map Thread XX

    You probably need Communism to work more like it was described in utopian books and less like in reality for this monstrosity to be even functional. Of course it may be just literally Socialist with market economy. But then you'll have all nationalistic ideas to consider.
  8. What were the best places to live on the late XIX century?

    Speaking of middle class (white of course), I've read a book on Victorian England where the author made a compelling case that he would prefere to be a parish minister in rural England if he was born at that period. For the lower class it is tougher, but I agree that Germany or US would be...
  9. Was the Cold War inevitable?

    As long as USSR is capable to play as a global power, some kind of conflict with US is inevitable. The shape and intensity of such a conflict may of course vary. OTL Cold War was far from homogenous - leaders changed, policies changed, capabilities changed. To completely avoid it, either USSR...
  10. AHC: Russian Renaissance movement post-Cold War?

    Genuine pre-Soviet Russian culture is dead. Neither high-class nor popular peasant cultures which were signmarks of old Russia survived the Soviet era. 70 years was enough to see anyone who experiensed it to die of old age if not anything more sudden. There is plenty of documents about it of...
  11. Russian poet Alexander Pushkin does not die at 37

    Probably too true :) Still would be nice if he pulled it off.
  12. Russian poet Alexander Pushkin does not die at 37

    Pushkin was somewhat rebellous in his youth but not really a revolutionary, and with age grew more and more loyal. Though I can't really see him as a conservative old-guard, and his tongue will continue to get him in various troubles. So more entertaining anecdotes from his life but no political...
  13. Could the USSR work well enought on its orthodox form to be a pleasant place in modern day?

    Planned centralized economy is very ill suited to satisfy customer needs beyond very basic even in competent hands. Which means among other things that there is no reason to work well as there is no nice things to get beyond purely moral satisfaction :) Any desirable perks are available either...
  14. Would Beria have been a good leader for the Soviet Union?

    His personal vices aside (which did not seem to interfere with his work much) he was a capable man, pragmatic and flexible enough to make some positive improvements for USSR both internal and in foreign relationships. He seemed to favor detente with the West and it was he who initiated release...
  15. What are the best natural borders between a German Empire and a Russian Empire?

    No common border would probably be more beneficial for the relations between Empires. Unfortunately both would want Poland anyway... Put any border you wish really. It changes very little unless we are talking Rhine/Ural extremes.