Recent content by Antony444

  1. Antony444

    Ha! Ha! Duly noted. I am going to do my best to avoid a cliffhanger, in the spirit of Christmas...

    Ha! Ha! Duly noted. I am going to do my best to avoid a cliffhanger, in the spirit of Christmas. I reserve myself to do it in another story to compensate, however. :p
  2. Antony444

    The Dead Skunk

    Well, that's a way to enter the pages of the history books, Governor. Despite the tragic death, it is really hilarious...but it's still a way to get your name famous for a while.
  3. Antony444

    The full detail would take too long, but the short answer may be...I read. I read a lot of...

    The full detail would take too long, but the short answer may be...I read. I read a lot of different stories and settings, be they sci-fi, fantasy, etc... And yes, I've other ideas I might be willing to try when I've finished the others...though if you want to know, it will be by PM.
  4. Antony444

    Fine, fine thank you. Sorry for the delay in answering, not checking the profile every day...

    Fine, fine thank you. Sorry for the delay in answering, not checking the profile every day...
  5. Antony444

    Thanks for the vote of confidence!

    Thanks for the vote of confidence!
  6. Antony444

    The Dead Skunk

    And so ends this war between Britain and the United States. Excellent update. Will we be graced with a map, good sir?
  7. Antony444

    The Dead Skunk

    Yes, honestly I think there's not much Paris can do to worsen the situation. The Dutch King has already pretty much poisoned the well by himself... Worst case, frankly, is that the French have seen where it is leading (since plenty of people of 1789 are still alive, it doesn't take a genius...)...
  8. Antony444

    I will try, but not this month, sorry. The story isn't abandoned, I just don't have my muse when...

    I will try, but not this month, sorry. The story isn't abandoned, I just don't have my muse when it comes to this story for now.
  9. Antony444

    J'ai à peine commencé à regarder House of the Dragon il y a quelque jours (le premier épisode)...

    J'ai à peine commencé à regarder House of the Dragon il y a quelque jours (le premier épisode). Pour l'instant, je n'ai pas vu Baela...mais bon, j'aime bien la série pour le moment, donc je vais continuer et voir comment il traitent ma Reine Noire... Merci pour les compliments!
  10. Antony444

    Bonjour...enfin bon soir! Content d'entendre qu'il y a plus de lecteurs Français oui...

    Bonjour...enfin bon soir! Content d'entendre qu'il y a plus de lecteurs Français oui, la communauté d'ASOIAF...est plus petite que l'Anglaise, j'en est bien peur.
  11. Antony444

    Hi, The time between two chapters of my stories is very variable, I'm afraid. The only guarantee...

    Hi, The time between two chapters of my stories is very variable, I'm afraid. The only guarantee I give is that I try to post one chapter of The odds were never in my favour (Harry Potter AU, not updated here for now) once per month. For the Weaver Option...yeah, 2-3 months is in general the...
  12. Antony444

    In this country , it is good to kill an admiral from time to time

    The Taiwan Express (The Battle of Taiwan April 1923) On the morning of April 20, the entire war fleet of the Alliance of Pacific Powers left Manila Bay and began to sail northwards. For any shrewd observer, what it implied was evident: the UPNG Navy and its allies had, after many days of...
  13. Antony444

    In this country , it is good to kill an admiral from time to time

    No, of course they won't. Obviously they can train pilots on land with fake landing decks, but that's only the first phase; then you need to really train them on a true carrier, much like you need to train the crew of said ship and the aeronautical experts.
  14. Antony444

    In this country , it is good to kill an admiral from time to time

    The future update will explain all, don't worry. Thanks! Your guess is accurate. The defenders of Taiwan, big naval battle or not, need reinforcements and new equipment, otherwise they won't last very long... Yep, this TTL Express is a reference to the Tokyo Express of OTL.
  15. Antony444

    In this country , it is good to kill an admiral from time to time

    Beyond the Horizon (The Battle of Taiwan April 1923) By April 17, the Granadan and the Californian governments decided, at long last, that a major naval battle had to be risked. As for the reasons why, they were multiple and varied, and would likely fill an entire book on its own right. But...