Recent content by Anthony Appleyard

  1. Anthony Appleyard

    Gunpowder Plot destroys Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey

    Assuming that the Protestant side win, who would likely get Britain's throne?
  2. Anthony Appleyard

    The Jaguar's Roar - An Aztec Timeline

    And likely, up far north in the USA when it develops: (1) Different battles/etc would happen on the USA's south border. (2) USA schoolchildren would be learning highschool Nahuatl instead of highschool Spanish. (3) The big USA navy base at OTL Corpus Christi might have a Nahuatl name. And...
  3. Anthony Appleyard

    Operation Unthinkable

    See . What if this plan to attack Russia after the 1945 victory in Europe, had been attempted?
  4. Anthony Appleyard

    Great Game :: Russia takes over Afghanistan

    See :: what if in the later half of the 19th century Russia invaded Afghanistan?
  5. Anthony Appleyard

    Germany ATL :: the Kaisers stay in power to now; Germany stays powerful.

    This is shown in the Youtube video , time length 1:40:36 , written by Gaelic Mapper, 16 Feb 2020
  6. Anthony Appleyard

    Another list of alternate histories

    For another list of alternate histories, see
  7. Anthony Appleyard

    2nd Chinese Civil War

    That Youtube video is about "What if the Tienanmen protests in China escalated into a big anti-Communist rebellion?"
  8. Anthony Appleyard

    WI: Mongols win Ain Jalut?

    See Youtube "Battle of Ain Jalut, 1260 ⚔️ The Battle that saved Islam and stopped the Mongols - معركة عين جالوت"
  9. Anthony Appleyard

    German attack on Crete in WWII

    For OTL, see . The Germans by paratroop drops early got hold of Maleme airfield on Crete's north coast and used it to fly supplies in. An Allied attempt to quickly recover Maleme airfield was delayed a day by a sea storm (bad weather) delaying Allied...
  10. Anthony Appleyard

    What happens to Mexico without the stabilization of the Porfiriato.

    Many sorts of gangs would find a base among the disorder, until a fullscale takeover invasion by the USA to restore order.
  11. Anthony Appleyard

    Petain’s Panic, or, How the Germans Might Have Won the Great War by Default

    I found this end-of-WWI ATL on the internet:-
  12. Anthony Appleyard

    In WWII, what if Russia/USSR used the same railway gauge as western Europe?

    In WWII, what if Russia/USSR at start of war used the same railway gauge as western Europe? I recently saw a television program that said that in Operation Barbarossa, inability to use Russia's railways at once, proved crucial.
  13. Anthony Appleyard

    WI/AHC: Romans deal with Persia.

    Or Rome and Persia make a lasting peace.
  14. Anthony Appleyard

    Another Korea War

    If another war starts in Korea, I see various POD's: (1) North Korea invades South Korea (2) South Korea and the USA invade North Korea to stop the missiles. (3) There is a civil riot (caused by hunger?) in North Korea. Army units are sent to quell it, but instead join in, and the trouble...
  15. Anthony Appleyard

    What is Before 1900's "Sealion"?

    Does the coming of the Anglo-Saxons to post-Roman Britain count as anything like an OTL Sealion?, although it took a long time to complete.