Recent content by AndreHanover

  1. Flag Thread III

    Something thrown together real quick on paint, so the central rose is a little off center. A possible flag for the UK if Scotland leaves and it becomes the United Kingdom of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Wales could also theoretically leave and the flag not have to change. I...
  2. Overlooked clichés

    Whenever a CP Victory, either Austria-Hungary survives or is split up with the Czech lands always going to Germany. Independent Bretagne (Breizh) whenever France loses WWI (or analogue.)
  3. World War Z map

    Has anyone made the point that using a thermonuke against a zombie hoard will incinerate the body of many zombies within a several mile radius, and rip the bodies of others for more miles distant apart? Even if the zombie brain is not destroyed, if the majority of its body is gone, how can it...
  4. WI: Japanese invasion of Ceylon?

    A Japanese invasion of Ceylon would have been their El-Alamein. The island is just too far from Japan to conduct a massive invasion, plus the British will be able to use the massive manpower of India to break the invasion. If such an invasion actually took place, the RN or the USN would have...
  5. White Siberia - Russian Civil War

    Would there be any chance for the Provisional Government and Kerensky in 1918 to move to Crimea to be supported by the Entente? If Kerensky was still in the picture, he could provide a leader to at least one group of white Russians. If he can take control of Ukraine and the area to the south...
  6. Chiang Kai-Shek goes to Germany: An Axis China Timeline

    I wonder if France and Britain would be willing to look the other way about Japanese imperialism to help keep the lid on China? If so, it could be an interesting three-way strike on China from all directions, and five if the Entente can get the Soviet Union friendly as well as any...
  7. Discussion: Ronald Reagan Impeached Over Iran-Contra?

    Reagan was not very popular at all during 1981-1982 years. If the scandal had gone on for long enough and been propped up by the press, it could be reasonable that he would resign seeing impeachment as unavoidable.
  8. Vietnamese Cough: The story of a Pandemic

    Rockefeller is probably still a better choice than Reagan. The majority of the republicans are probably not ready for the "Reagan Treatment" the economy is probably about to receive, and the withdrawal of federal troops from the South is going to be a complete disaster, featuring racist mob...
  9. Challenge: Have a French triumph in Algeria

    Carve out the northern coastline, add to that some territory inland from that. Have the rest be an Algerian state. Algeria will have no coastline, but if they have close relations with the other Maghreb states, this should not be too big a deal. The colons sector of Algeria will have to be...
  10. The Sword of Freedom: A Franco-British Union TL

    Could it be a possibility that the Maghreb becomes an independent nation completely separate of the union, but still preserving its French colons without genocide of the natives?
  11. DBWI- Make the short-lived Jewish state in palestine hold

    Perhaps if the Europeans had sold them weapons instead of just dumping their Jewish populations (many of who were urban dwellers and flooded into the already crowded cities) in Tel-Aviv and Haifa. If the Jews had been able to field a sufficient army instead of a small, hopelessly under equipped...
  12. The Sword of Freedom: A Franco-British Union TL

    Thanks for the reply. Will there be a change in Renault in the ATL, or is the plan to have a similar course (I mean the collaboration and nationalization?)
  13. The Sword of Freedom: A Franco-British Union TL

    Might I make a suggestion? I do not wish to turn this into a map-game styled thread with short posts and plethoras of maps, but one every once in a while could offer another way to view the progress of the war, in concert with the posts (which I must say are quite good). This is reaching a...
  14. Remnants of Rome

    The Europeans (if its not going to be an Eastern discovery) will still have disease on their side. North America will also have a smaller population, and large areas of the eastern coast of the Americas will be marginally populated, allowing the Europeans to at minimum gain some territory...