Recent content by Alternate History

  1. Rule of the Victorious Mensheviks

    Kind of like the French social democratic left of the era, I suppose. It also depends on what kind of victory it is, of course (No October revolution, Menshevik electoral victory? October revolution happens, no Bolshevik coup, Menshevik and SR delegates dominate the Soviet congress? October...
  2. Hungary avoids Trianon losses

    Not very plausible with a POD close to WWI. It would take a revolution erupting early in the war since the Hungarian half of the empire was, after all, ruled by a collaborationist clique which - once it got its pound of flesh from the Cisleithanian government, in tax concessions or rights to...
  3. AHC- 3 or more sides in cold war

    You mean OTL (USA vs. USSR, with China as a wildcard)? Well, maybe China was not strong enough to claim the mantle of a superpower or the "third side of the Cold War" in our timeline, but with a bit more wanking, they could go nuclear earlier, Mao could conduct industrialization in a less...
  4. Soviet East Austria, revised Austria-Hungary?

    If the butterflies have already been genocided and the Cold War still ends with a Soviet collapse, then obviously it's going to be merged into Germany, yes. What else would it do? Unless it manages to stay alive as a hermit kingdom in the middle of Europe, but given how easy it is to fund rebels...
  5. DBWI: USA first on the moon

    You know Ivan the Admin doesn't like conspiracy theories on this forum, right?
  6. WI: Spain Joined the Central Powers in 1914?

    I doubt the Spanish army in 1914 was in any shape to take Gibraltar, which would be a thorn in their side. Conversely, however - is there a possibility that Britain could use Gibraltar as staging grounds for an attack on southern Spain and try to force Spain into submission? Or even call in...
  7. WI No Italo-Turkish war in 1911

    I didn't know about that. In what way did the 1908 annexation of Bosnia by A-H relate to the 1911 acquisition of Libya by Italy? I see no obvious causal relationship.
  8. WI: Red Army Group sent to Spanish Civil War

    This would turn the "Soviet Intervention" into a "Soviet Occupation", which I'm not sure would be entirely helpful - it'd probably mean most people to the right of social democracy will go over to the nationalists. On the other hand, it'd fix the problem of disunity among the Republicans and...
  9. WI: Cromwell accepts the crown in 1657?

    Wiki says Cromwell "agonised for six weeks over the offer", perhaps he wasn't as staunchly anti-monarchy (at least as long as he was in charge) as he is sometimes portrayed.
  10. AHC: Make Gallipoli an Entente Victory

    An Entente guarantee for some specific post-war gain, I'd guess?
  11. Austro-Czech

    Well... if Austria and Hungary agree to devolve the empire due to a crisis that prevents the dual monarchy from remaining united anymore, I think it's actually quite a plausible outcome if no external forces intervene. Slovakia is handed over to Hungary, Galicia-Lodomeria probably a puppet...
  12. Hilarious ways for Castro to die

    He laughs himself to death.
  13. USA and Saudi Arabia enemies

    Well, the title was technically "USA and Saudi Arabia enemies", not "USA and the People's Republic of Arabia enemies"...
  14. USA and Saudi Arabia enemies

    Something about Israel, surely, given the odd arrangement of the USA-Israel-Saudi Arabia love triangle. Perhaps some conflict between the two of them gets serious, although the Saudis would have to get a pretty sweet offer from the Russians or Chinese to actually make an enemy of the USA over...
  15. German Victory in North Africa (TL)

    With a POD in the Napoleonic Wars, the chances of a Nazi Germany existing are astronomical.