Recent content by AckbarKhan

  1. 5th Wikibox Contest: Is This The Real Life, Is This Just Fantasy?

    Due to the lack of much canon material, I full admit I made up most of the events depicted. The Eugenics War can trace its origins to The Chrysalis Project. Originally it was a secret program to create a race of superior humans to lead the species to peace, but internal forces...
  2. Alternate Wikipedia Infoboxes IV (Do not post Current Politics Here)

    Played my first game of President Elect 1988 as Lowell Weicker against Pat Schroeder, I wasn't going for a realistic 1988 scenario at all. I managed to do really well until two weeks before the election when suddenly Schroeder started to surge big time. Election night for the Weicker Campaign...
  3. Map Thread XV

    Not only is this a beautiful and original map, but the fact that it covers one my mine and my dads favorite Billy Joel songs is even better. I'm going to have to show him this.
  4. 2017 Turtledove (closes 2/6/17 Eastern) - Best Map Nominations and Seconds

    I nominate The Land of Neon and Northern Lights by ToixStory for Best Map
  5. Disaster at Leuthen TL - Frederick the Great dies in battle

    Congratulations Direwolf. I've been a lurker for a long time and finally joined to vote for D.A.L. Glad to have done my part. If you're still adding in names mine is Alex Thompson. Put me where you wish, but if it's in the Civil War I'd probably be on the side of the Collectivists, due more to...