Photos from Alternate Worlds

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Bound to happen......

That reminds me about how certain European explorers first thought that California was an island.

And they named that island after the Caliphate. Just think about; Calif, Caliph. I always wondered if that island of California in the story had a Moorish inspired name.

I can just see Beck or one of those people making a big fuss over it. California named after the Caliphate? Coincidence? I think not!
Just fiddling around in Warthunder. It actually a captured Zero you can buy with real money in the game (I think its like $4 or something). Could probably do an interesting timeline where the US buys production rights for the Zero from its Japanese ally.


Modern restoration of a Soviet Pa-22 bomber, one of the most successful Soviet bombers of the Second World War (1938-1946), seeing service in all major theaters of the war that the Soviet Union participated in (Eastern European, Scandinavian, and Anatolian).


The primary nemesis of the Pa-22, the Vickers Hornet, of the United British Commonwealths; in addition to the European theaters, it also saw action in the West Africa Theater with the South African Republic and the Great Lakes Theater with the Canadian Republic. It was produced under license by Clarkson Aviation for the Confederate States of America as the FC-50 Kestrel.


Japanese authorities were quick to denounce the leaked security footage from Fukashima Dai-Ichi nuclear plant as a "cheap hoax". The security footage, which was handed to Wikileaks by TepCo accountant Edward Snowden purportedly shows a giant monster attacking the nuclear plant, causing the meltdown and subsequent problems. A spokesman for TepCo said that the footage was "clearly a man in a cheap rubber suit stomping on an equally cheap model". This still, taken from the footage, shows the monster approaching the plant:


1942; Confederate MK-35 Breckenridge tanks of the 9th Armored Division spearhead the capture of Wichita, Kansas during the opening days of Operation Atonement.
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