Map Thread XX

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The Known World - 74 Years Later

So this is a sequel and a remaster of the other map. I downloaded the planet generator, and I tested it to see if I can make bigger maps. And I can, heck if need be I can make an 8K-BAM-esque map lol.

Lore-wise, I decided to have a few big powers: Elania, a Puritan-esque monarchist US that follows the Cult of Althea, a mish-mash of various other cults, but the deity is real, demanding a sacrifice each year. Then there's the Siracean Empire, it doesn't really have an IRL equivalent. You could compare it to Persia, given that was the inspiration. There's Uruchia, a more fictionalized version of Uruk. Uruk, being one of the oldest cities, was direct inspriation for Uruchia, being one of the oldest countries. And finally, there's the Southern League. Don't let its size fool you, it makes the HRE look unitary. So yeah. But when it does want to do stuff, it can punch like an ICBM. Culture-wise, I thought of them as a sort of mix of HRE, Imperial China and the various Greek coalitions those Greekmen loved to form to beat each other with.

The reason the Eastern Territories are less colonized/explored is simple: getting a ship to the other side is hard. Sure, should you manage to cut a canal through that little isthmus-like thingy east of the League, colonization and exploration would skyrocket, maybe, maybe not, given the League is the only one with immediate access to that. The Western Colonies are so far away traveling to them would take as much as a Transpacific voyage in the 16th century. Not because of the weather, but because if you go out too out into the sea you get destroyed by a kraken or some huge whale native to the oceans. It's why Elania has so much clout in the area, they can cut off contact between the "main" powers and their colonies. Which is why they are starting to experiment with magic to defend from whatever creatures lurk in there.
Alternative Map for Europe (Have Some Troubles With Some Edits, Feel Free To Re-Edit It):
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[1] United Kingdom (Kind Of The Same) + [2] Ireland (Given Part Of United Kingdom) +
[3] Norway (No Change) + [4] Sweden (No Change) + [5] Denmark (Given Part Of Germany)
+ [6] Finland (No Change) + [7] Estonia (No Change) + [8] Latvia (No Change) + [9] Lithuania
(United With Belarus) + [10] Netherlands (United With Belgium & Luxembourg) + [11]

France (Kind Of The Same) + [12] Portugal (Given Part Of Spain) + [13] Spain (Kind Of The
Same) + [14] Prussia (North Germany) + [15] Austria (South Germany) + [16] Switzerland
(United With Liechtenstein) + [17] North Italy (Need Alternative Name) + [18] South Italy
(Need Alternative Name) + [19] Poland (Given Part Of Russia) + [20] Hungary (United With

Slovakia) + [21] Czech Republic (No Charge) + [22] Ukraine (Kind Of The Same) + [23] Romania
(United With Moldova & Part Of Ukraine) + [24] Croatia (United With Slovenia & Bosnia And
Herzegovina) + [25] Serbia (United With Montenegro & Kosovo) + [26] Albania (United With
North Macedonia) + [27] Bulgaria (No Charge) + [28] Greece (Given Part Of Turkey).
Is there some background to it?
(N.) Macedonia and Albania seem weird combination to me...
And those straight borders of Germany, eh...
On the other hand I kinda like the same in Italy - is this some sort of Korea-like situation?
Continuing my Timezone ISOT series with UTC+11:00

I realised when I was making this one that I've been using the old colour for Russia, but have decided to keep the gold for consistency within the series, and because this is the penultimate Russian timezone!


Regions transported: Russia (Sakha Republic (eastern districts), Magadan, Sakhalin), Micronesia (Pohnpei, Kosrae), Papua New Guinea (Bougainville), Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Norfolk Island

What remained of Russia following the Event was split into two halves. To the north of the Sea of Okhotsk lay the sparsely populated Magadan Oblast and further north still the eastern districts of the Sakha Republic, while to the south was Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. While land-based transport and communication between the two areas was impossible, sea and air links were soon established, fuelled by the exploitation of the oil fields off Magadan's coast. The Okhotsk oil also helped to lubricate intra-Russian relations, by ensuring that the government in Yuzhko-Sakhalinsk was obliged to invest in the north rather than just in Primorsky, Hokkaido and the Transamur region. In return, Magadan and Sakha provided an important market for Sakhalin's agricultural and industrial products.

Just as the Sea of Okhotsk proved an important conduit within Russia, the Pacific Ocean later grew to be just as important for Russia's external links. First contact between the Russians and the nations of the Pacific did not take place for several years as both regions and was initially pretty limited. However once Yuzhko-Sakhalinsk had firmly established its position within Russia and secured Magadan in the federation, attentions turned southwards, particularly focusing on Pohnpei's port and its potential to make an excellent Russian base in the region. Fortunately for the Russians, the Event had abruptly severed Micronesia's American defence compact, a void Russia was only to happy to fill. Over time, Russian involvement in the islands grew, with some formerly uninhabited islands being outright annexed by Russia. Not all Pohnpeians were happy with their Russian "protectors" and followed the lead of Kosrae by cutting their ties with Palikir and establishing Chuuk as an independent state.

As Micronesia split apart, Melanesia was also torn by rivalries between Bougainville and the Solomon Islands and between New Caledonia and Vanuatu. Bougainville had gained its independence with the vanishing of the rest of Papua New Guinea and while some suggested a union with the Solomon Islands, most wanted to preserve their independence and prove that Bougainville was just as capable as the the Solomons in providing for itself and resettling New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago. Vanuatu and New Caledonia's rivalry was partially born of geography as Vanuatu found itself surrounded on three sides with only the Fijian islands across the open ocean accessible to them, while Caledonia had the islands of the Coral Sea and beyond that Australia within their reach. Like Bougainville, New Caledonia unexpected found itself independent, however many in Nouméa wished to retain their French association and did not formally declare themselves independent from France, much to the irritation of the Kanak movement. Independence minded Kanaks thus left the island to establish their own Kanak Republic in the Coral Sea Islands and Australia's north-eastern coast. While New Caledonia lost territory to the Kanak state, this was slightly offset by the accession of Norfolk Island as an overseas collectivity.
Hey guys. Here's a little project I been working on. My attempt at something of a unified Black Mirror universe. Enjoy!

World of Black Mirror, 2034
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It's January 1st, 2034, and as a new year dawns, even the staunchest of techno-optimists are watching with their fingers crossed. This is a future that few (save one or two British satirists) could have seen coming. History diverges from our own timeline in 2004: in March, while America was still reeling from a certain scandalous event at that year's Superbowl, Dick Cheney went hunting quail at a ranch in Texas. Unfortunately, all he managed to bag was a 67 year old sheriff named Roland Walter Quayle (predictably, there was no shortage of lame jokes about his name on late-night talk shows).

After alcohol was found in the Vice President's system, he announced his resignation, and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist was selected as his replacement. Before they'd even finished scraping Cheney's name off his office door, the Bush administration was under fire once again, this time in response to the poor handling of Hurricane Frances, a category 5 storm which devastated the city of New Orleans in August. The final name in the Bush administration's coffin came after it emerged that Homeland Security had been asked to raise the nation's threat alert level in the hopes of scaring moderates into voting Republican. In November, Bush and Frist were defeated by the Democratic ticket of John Edwards and Tom Vilsack.

April 1, 2005 began on a decidedly unfunny note with the Comedy Central massacre (a.k.a. the Day the Laughter Died), when a lone Islamic extremist opened fire at South Park Studios in California, killing showrunners Matt Stone and Trey Parker amongst others, the attack seemingly motivated by the cartoon's previous depiction of the prophet Muhammad. President Edwards offered his condolences to the victims' families, and shortly afterwards, was hit by a far more personal tragedy, when his wife, First Lady Elizabeth Edwards, was diagnosed with breast cancer.

The Comedy Central massacre was not America's first, nor would it be her last, brush with Islamic extremism: on 25 December, 2006, a date now known as Black Christmas, seven planes travelling between the United Kingdom and the US were downed using bombs disguised as energy drinks. The death toll of Black Christmas surpassed that of the previous 9/11 attacks, resulting in a greatly expanded War on Terror, and for a while, there were genuine concerns of the war spreading into Iran, although ultimately, cooler heads prevailed. Patriotism because even more widespread, and flag burning was banned under the controversial 29th Amendment, having passed by a single vote[1].

President Edwards enjoyed tremendous support in Black Christmas' aftermath, although this was not to last (shocker, I know): just a few weeks after his wife's untimely passing, a White House secretary named Zephyr Twelvetrees, became pregnant, and claimed that John Edwards was the child's father. Edwards initially denied these allegations, although agreed to undergo a paternity test. When the results came back positive, Edwards resigned in disgrace on 7 November, 2007, becoming the second President in US history to do so (coincidentally, mere hours after his resignation, his son, David Twelvetrees, was born prematurely).

President Vilsack faced tough competition from Hillary Clinton, although narrowly secured his party's nomination in 2008, ultimately being defeated by the Republican ticket of John McCain and Olympia Snowe. The McCain administration is generally regarded as having done more harm than good in mitigating the effects of the Great Recession, and with Prescott's Curse alive and well, he too lost his re-election bid, losing to Hillary Clinton and Evan Bayh (with some pundits taking Hillary in the Oval Office as a sure sign that 2012 really would be the end of the world).

Clinton's first year in office saw an unsuccessful attempt at capturing Osama bin Laden, ending in multiple American casualties (with Osama happily detailing the circumstances of his nigh-miraculous escape over video), and the Taft High School shooting (also known as the 'Jake the Killer massacre') in October. Shortly before Halloween, 17 year old Jacob Falconer killed 44 students at William Howard Taft High School, in the hopes of appeasing the fictional entity known as Jake the Killer (unsurprisingly, this led to some panic relating to online creepypasta, and its affects on young people, with several video games and a movie cancelled in the aftermath).

In March of 2014, almost forty years to the day after the attempting kidnapping of Princess Anne, Britain's darling, Princess Susannah Mulholland (sometimes called the Persona Princess, as she announced her engagement to Prince William on the social media platform of the same name[2]) was kidnapped after attending a friend's wedding. Her captor uploaded a video to YouTube, where the terrified Princess was forced to read out a letter addressed directly to the Prime Minister, 43 year old Michael Kermit 'Froggy' Callow: in exchange for her safe release, Callow must have sex with a pig, live on national television. After exhausting all other options, the Prime Minister gave in to the kidnapper's demands, and the event was watched by millions worldwide, with the Princess being released unharmed several minutes before the programme started. A year later, Susannah gave birth to her and Prince William's first son, Prince Arthur, while the Prime Minister and his wife, Jane Callow, would divorce.

Immediately, all recordings of the Callow broadcast were outlawed in the United Kingdom, although the tape can still be found on sites like LiveLeak. A few months after the occurrence, a disgruntled American technician evoked outrage after replacing an episode of the children's cartoon series Peppa Pig with four minutes of Callow getting down and dirty with a barnyard animal. The events of the Susannah Affair were dramatized in the Oscar-winning movie The Princess and the Pig, and for a time, Callow's approval ratings were the highest of any Prime Minister in the 21st century. Unfortunately, he and his wife would separate two years later, their relationship having worsened since the royal kidnapping.

Just when it seemed that the year 2014 had overdosed on crack, that same October, during a special by-election, a vulgar cartoon bear came in second place to conservative MP Liam Monroe. Created by British comedian Jimmy Salter and named after one of his old schoolteachers, Waldo the Bear may not have won the election, he clearly won the hearts and minds of many - the Waldo meme was particularly popular amongst members of the far-right, taking on a status similar to Pepe in OTL. The 'Waldo Election', as it is now known, may have been small, but there have been so many direct comparisons to real-world politicians like Elon Musk, Vivienne Rook and Donald Trump (who won the popular vote in 2016), to the point of being trite. Waldo would ultimately have his revenge against Liam Munroe, in the form of the latter being accidentally decapitated in a freak drone accident in 2019.

In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic hit, much harder than in our timeline. Trump passed away on July 4, and not long afterwards, leading contenders in the Democratic primaries succumbed to the virus, including Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Ultimately, the election was won by Sherrod Brown, with Chris Christie[3] soon conceding his defeat shortly afterwards (there was, at least, no Capitol siege). Brown is the first President since Bill Clinton to have won re-election, and was succeeded in 2029 by the incumbent President, trillionaire Elon Musk. It's anyone's guess as to who the Democrats will select as their candidate in 2036, although Senator East, who started out as a left-wing YouTube commentator, has already thrown her hat into the ring. What is certain however, is that the following election will be the first in which the President is elected directly by the people, the Electoral College having been abolished by the passing of the 30th Amendment last year.

The pandemic claimed the lives of any number of famous faces, including Oprah Winfrey, Stephen King, Elton John, Tom Hanks and Matt Groening. With even more restrictive lockdowns than OTL, it's little wonder 2020 is popularly remembered as the 'Lost Year'. Even fourteen years after the pandemic, masks remain a common sight in many European nations, and the phrase 'gone the way of the handshake' has entered common vernacular, referring to something once common that was done away with due to health and safety concerns. With Queen Elizabeth and her husband having fallen victim to COVID, the current monarch being 85 year old Prince Charles (who rules under the name of King George VII, but is still known as 'King Charles' to most). Rumors abound about a supposed love affair between Charles and current Prime Minister Vivienne Rook, but that's all Fake News, and in a world where leaders make love to pigs, really, does anyone care?

While recovery from the pandemic was slow, the 2020s also saw a whole new wave of incredible technological advancements, particularly in the field of neuroscience. Experts at San Junipero Industries are confident that mind uploading is just a few years away (yeah, mind uploading is this timeline's nuclear fusion - always just around the corner). There is also a new device which allows for sensations to transferred between human subjects - despite its rather gruesome origins (who could forget Dr. Peter Dawson, the so-called 'Pain Addict'?), it has seen its uses, particularly in the sex toy industry.

There are also reports of this technology being used as a form of punishment in some nations - for instance, where one party causing severe physical harm to another, they are forced to experience every painful moment of their victim's recovery. Similarly, it is possible not only to erase memories, but also to analyze them, using a device known as a recaller. Some people have been known to remove memories of painful relationships, a la Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, while others have been known to erase all traces of their favourite media, just so they can go back and enjoy it from the beginning all over again.

Memory viewing has a variety of uses, sometimes being used in court as evidence, also in the insurance business. There was of course the infamous case of British architect Mia Nolan, who killed multiple people in an effort to hide all evidence of a drunk driving accident around fifteen years prior. Nolan was, ironically, ultimately being identified through memories extracted from her victims' pet gerbil, and is popularly known as 'Crocodile Nolan' in the UK, due to the tears she shed after being arrested by police. In the year 2026, there was a year-long manhunt for six year old Jemima Sykes, who vanished from her home in south England in March. The culprit, Iain Rannoch, would go on to commit suicide in prison, delaying courtroom proceedings.

After Rannoch's death, Great Britain, having endured what felt like a lifetime's worth of trials and tribulations over the past ten years, turned all its seething anger towards Rannoch's fiance, 31 year old Victoria Skillane, who gleefully recorded young Jemima's gruesome death. Skillane is currently held in the White Bear Justice Park, where she is the unwitting star of various staged performances, only to have her memories of each day's trauma erased after learning her true identity.

White Bear Justice Park has attracted immense controversy over the years since its conception, although few politicians are willing to defend the accomplice of a convicted child murderer. The Park's defenders would argue that someone like Skillane cannot (or should not) be rehabilitated, and besides, the Park supposedly acts as a criminal deterrent, and rakes in huge piles of cash, some of which is donated to various child protection organizations. In short, what you call 'torture', we call 'jolly good fun'. For the moment, White Bear Justice Park remain one of a kind - as horrific as Mia Nolan's crimes were, there was, at least, some reasoning (however twisted) behind her murder spree, while Rannoch and Skillane's crime was motivated by pure cruelty and sadism.

Despite Jeff Bezos' death in 2022, space tourism is a growing industry, with President Musk promising a manned Mars landing before the decade is out. There is a US Department of Technology, the SecTech being an only slightly shady individual named Rolo Haynes. Holographic 'face filters' used to display emojis are all the rage with the younger generation. With bee populations on the decline worldwide, Granular Industries is turning to some more unorthodox solutions, and there are growing concerns that some are taking a new app, allowing them to rate others on a scale of one to five stars, a bit too seriously...

[1] With flag burning now illegal nationwide, some protestors have been known to instead burn US flags with the wrong number of stars/stripes, which is still technically allowed.

[2] Social media is a bit different: Instagram and YouTube are the same, Persona is our Facebook analog, Hitcher is Uber/Lyft, and Smithereen is Twitter (Smithereen's founder and CEO, William 'Billy' Bauer, ran against Musk in 2032 - the Smithereen Hostage Crisis of 2014 was brought up a fair few times in that year's election cycle).

[3] Vice President under the Trump administration.
Love it!

I think you could probably get in a few more episode references in there though. Like Fifteen Million Merits being a successful reality TV format, VR games and testers mysteriously vanishing and a war against an enemy known as "roaches". I'm sure there's more that could be worked in as well.
Another almost-done WIP. Note: This is not a map about current politics. This is meant to be a plausibly dystopian/cyberpunk portrayal of a world 15 years from now.

I usually write some stuff about the map, but this time, I'll instead take questions on what you guys think is going on!

(And no, I don't think Quebecois independence is in the cards, I included it mainly for aesthetic and meme reasons).

Dystopian Future.png
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