The New Order: Last Days of Europe - An Axis Victory Cold War Mod for HoIIV

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Oh god that is just cursed. I mean, the Internet IRL is bad enough with Nazi trolls running around, imagine how much worse a fully-Nazi Internet would be!?
I wonder in TNO world would world wide internet even exist? Or would there be separate internet for various power.
I think maybe part of it is also the desire to deconstruct
Personally, I think that is the desire to deconstruct agaist logic which gives this movement such a bad name, while this can be thought provocing in places when done well, at its worse it is often "This thing you like is bad because I say it is, also you liking it is also bad, etc.", to use another example for England, it seems that all the interesting WW2 leaders other than "Auk" are either collabs, or totalitarian, end-justfies-the-means republicans (dispite Sterling coming from an upper class back ground).
Personally, I think that is the desire to deconstruct agaist logic which gives this movement such a bad name, while this can be thought provocing in places when done well, at its worse it is often "This thing you like is bad because I say it is, also you liking it is also bad, etc.", to use another example for England, it seems that all the interesting WW2 leaders other than "Auk" are either collabs, or totalitarian, end-justfies-the-means republicans (dispite Sterling coming from an upper class back ground).
Oh yay something I can talk about.

To elaborate, most of the ww2 leaders still left in England are collaborators yes, by virtue of the fact that most of the others are exiled (Churchill), dead (Mountbatten, Pollit) or at the least nominally out of politics contrary to the government(Wingate, Auchinleck, Jellicoe). The Collaborators by this point have destroyed or surpressed almost all the original resistance movements with the exception of Stirling's mad band. (who isn't quite Karby levels of "revenge" but comes closer than you'd think.

Thus by default, with the exception of the higher echelons HMMLR as a movement has been forced to draw from men and women who were too insignificant or low ranking to be caught in the German (and later, Collab) crackdowns. Wilson to use the easy example, was an insignificant member of the government whose highest achievement was being an economics lecturer at Cambridge before he joined the Labour Underground.

And besides, Arthur Harris is working for HMMLR and he's perfectly sane!
Personally, I think that is the desire to deconstruct agaist logic which gives this movement such a bad name, while this can be thought provocing in places when done well, at its worse it is often "This thing you like is bad because I say it is, also you liking it is also bad, etc.", to use another example for England, it seems that all the interesting WW2 leaders other than "Auk" are either collabs, or totalitarian, end-justfies-the-means republicans (dispite Sterling coming from an upper class back ground).

Oh yay something I can talk about.

To elaborate, most of the ww2 leaders still left in England are collaborators yes, by virtue of the fact that most of the others are exiled (Churchill), dead (Mountbatten, Pollit) or at the least nominally out of politics contrary to the government(Wingate, Auchinleck, Jellicoe). The Collaborators by this point have destroyed or surpressed almost all the original resistance movements with the exception of Stirling's mad band. (who isn't quite Karby levels of "revenge" but comes closer than you'd think.

Thus by default, with the exception of the higher echelons HMMLR as a movement has been forced to draw from men and women who were too insignificant or low ranking to be caught in the German (and later, Collab) crackdowns. Wilson to use the easy example, was an insignificant member of the government whose highest achievement was being an economics lecturer at Cambridge before he joined the Labour Underground.

And besides, Arthur Harris is working for HMMLR and he's perfectly sane!

I really like TNO England, because usually this scenarios got the BUF to take power, when the BUF was a minor group there. Any succesfull occupation of the UK by nazi germany will have them enforcing a pro german status quo.

Also, anyone from the Greater Tea Empire can enlight me about who was Douglas Home?
I really like TNO England, because usually this scenarios got the BUF to take power, when the BUF was a minor group there. Any succesfull occupation of the UK by nazi germany will have them enforcing a pro german status quo.

Also, anyone from the Greater Tea Empire can enlight me about who was Douglas Home?

Douglas-Home was very briefly our PM from Oct '63 to Oct '64, preceded by Harold Macmillan and succeeded by Harold Wilson, was Foreign Minister under Macmillan. Generally a calm and safe pair of hands, nothing too exciting which was kind of needed at the time, was basically a bookend between the scandal riddled times of Supermac and the Wilson years, also seen as part of the anachronistic old order of stuffy men in suits but he did his part.
Probably the most exciting thing to happen to him as PM was a kidnap plot by two left wing students from the University of Aberdeen, after they told him of their plot he replied with "I suppose you realise if you do, the Conservatives will win the election by 200 or 300." he gave them some beer and they abandoned their plot.
Personally, I think that is the desire to deconstruct agaist logic which gives this movement such a bad name, while this can be thought provocing in places when done well, at its worse it is often "This thing you like is bad because I say it is, also you liking it is also bad, etc.", to use another example for England, it seems that all the interesting WW2 leaders other than "Auk" are either collabs, or totalitarian, end-justfies-the-means republicans (dispite Sterling coming from an upper class back ground).
Certainly agree on how deconstrucrions can go wrong.

England I am waiting while holding my breath (it'll be here soon hopefully, getting a bit blue today). I really enjoyed it, although it did feel a bit weird to me that most of the people I recognised were gone. (Although I kinda just presumed they all fled into exile or collaborated, if they didn't die.)

I hope that if it's 10+ years it's actually that long, as my last playthrough was not really 5 years. (It may have barely crept over the mark due to me making a major mistake in war and forgetting to select a focus after for a bit)
It also deconstructs the "FREEDONIA" stereotype for the USA and it's allies.
Eh? If anything, the world of TNO makes USA be even better that OTL because unless it goes full dictatorship, USA always sides with the most moral side available because the fascists always ally with the biggest psycho they can find.
Eh? If anything, the world of TNO makes USA be even better that OTL because unless it goes full dictatorship, USA always sides with the most moral side available because the fascists always ally with the biggest psycho they can find.

Here the thing: They are not there for their liberal-democratic-enlightened values, their alliance is also their sphere of influence and the US is full of morally questionable people acting on morally questionable ways.

The US is not there to save the day, it is there to confirm his position as the world greatest power.
Here the thing: They are not there for their liberal-democratic-enlightened values, their alliance is also their sphere of influence and the US is full of morally questionable people acting on morally questionable ways.

The US is not there to save the day, it is there to confirm his position as the world greatest power.
They still (try to) save the day anyway.
They still (try to) save the day anyway.

Everyone is trying to "save the day". At least, that's what they'd tell their public. The Nazis are trying to "save the day" from the degenerate Americans and Japanese.

Perspective would matter there, I'd argue.

On the WWII channel Indy Neidell comments how the german cause i seen as completely rightfull, just and honest by the german people. On Norway the german soldiers found the people of norway ungratefull, since the germans were completely convinced that they were there to protect they from a british invasion.

I still find people on the post 1900s chat who believe that the Reza Pahlevi 1953 coup saved Iran from communism.
On the WWII channel Indy Neidell comments how the german cause i seen as completely rightfull, just and honest by the german people. On Norway the german soldiers found the people of norway ungratefull, since the germans were completely convinced that they were there to protect they from a british invasion.

I still find people on the post 1900s chat who believe that the Reza Pahlevi 1953 coup saved Iran from communism.

Mosaddegh actually argued with the Tudeh Party, and rumor had it they were going to sell out Iran to Soviet oil interests. Truman really liked Mosaddegh, but Ike didn't.
On the WWII channel Indy Neidell comments how the german cause i seen as completely rightfull, just and honest by the german people. On Norway the german soldiers found the people of norway ungratefull, since the germans were completely convinced that they were there to protect they from a british invasion.

I still find people on the post 1900s chat who believe that the Reza Pahlevi 1953 coup saved Iran from communism.
Indy still does the show there? I watched one of them and it was some other guy?

Did he take a break?

Otherwise: absolutely. Propaganda is huge like that. If you can sell it, it works.
Indy still does the show there? I watched one of them and it was some other guy?

Did he take a break?

Otherwise: absolutely. Propaganda is huge like that. If you can sell it, it works.

You got two series, the first is week-by-week, under Indy. You probably saw the war against humanity, led by the show owner, Spartakus Olson.

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