An Age of Miracles Continues: The Empire of Rhomania

I have to wonder what Egypt is doing in all of this. There was some mention of despotate troops from there in the newest update but Egypt's gotta have more. Ottoman Egypt in 1600 had 5 million people.

Lombardy was just stated in the update to have a 3 to 1 advantage in population over Sicily, which controls OTL Kingdom of Naples and Sicily. In 1600 that had a population of 4.05 million people.

However ITTL both of these realms will have far higher populations and larger economies, from immigration from Germany, the Imperial Heartland, Russia, the Balkans, and other parts of Europe as well as the longer periods of peace, more advanced, efficient, and centralized government (Under the Despotates as opposed to being ignored tax farms for Spanish and Ottoman empires), social organization, lack of civil war (Mamluks did a lot of that), and a better trade network in the eastern Mediterranean increasing the profitability of their products and, thus, likelyhood of larger families.

It wouldn't be odd to throw in an additional million to each of them, and if even 1% of that population (a low number) was under arms Egypt could muster 50-60,000 people to throw against the 70,000 Ibrahim just sent into Syria while Sicily would have 40-50,000 to hold the line against Lombardy, plus whatever small amount Carthage can muster and any units still present in Sicily (I forget about the status of Latium and Umbria). Ethiopia could also send troops to assist if it wanted to, which could potentially turn the edge against the Ottomans if a combined army of Ethiopians, Egyptians, Tagma troops, and local allies in the Levant such as Arab tribes (Anizzah IIRC were a major roman ally but I don't recall much of them recently) and militias. It wouldn't be as good quality as a centralized force the Ottomans have but given what we saw of the Ottoman army's nitty-gritty at Nineveh they are far FAR more disparate in levels of quality, both in training and equipment, than even this coalition force would be.

Sicily would have to make do holding off in the Italian hills with whatever aid they can get from Carthage, Venice, and the Heartland. The Imperial Navy will be of most use here since they can harry the coasts of Lombardy, forcing Lombard units to remain away from the front to defend their coastal cities, and disrupt trade which would make it much more difficult to regularly pay Lombard soldiers.

There is also a possibility that the Romans could, if they can get their incomes increased a bit more with that graduated income tax among other things, hire mercenaries. Romans don't like mercenaries all that much at all but desperate times and all that.
Could the Antichrist be the leader of the Aztecs? Odysseus flees to the New World to Mexico thinking the Greek dynasty ruling the Aztecs could help only to stumble into an insane ruler with an Aztec death cult religion who then pulls a Sunset invasion on Europe or is that too ASB? How are the Aztecs doing BTW? I still think the Antichrist is most likely Henri of the Triunes but it'd be interesting if it was the ruler of the Aztecs.
Could the Antichrist be the leader of the Aztecs? Odysseus flees to the New World to Mexico thinking the Greek dynasty ruling the Aztecs could help only to stumble into an insane ruler with an Aztec death cult religion who then pulls a Sunset invasion on Europe or is that too ASB? How are the Aztecs doing BTW? I still think the Antichrist is most likely Henri of the Triunes but it'd be interesting if it was the ruler of the Aztecs.
Honestly that's what I thought at first but now I'm just unsure.
Could the Antichrist be the leader of the Aztecs? Odysseus flees to the New World to Mexico thinking the Greek dynasty ruling the Aztecs could help only to stumble into an insane ruler with an Aztec death cult religion who then pulls a Sunset invasion on Europe or is that too ASB? How are the Aztecs doing BTW? I still think the Antichrist is most likely Henri of the Triunes but it'd be interesting if it was the ruler of the Aztecs.
It seems a little too ASB
I think the "Antichrist of the West" refers to the Triune Emperor. He'll stab the Germans in the back and try to gain supremacy in Europe, until the Russians come along and breaks his face.
Its time for another dragon of the empire, no?
I can just see Manzikert 3.0.

Say, what's that legend about the dragon rising again when the empire most needs him?
I also found the passage about the marriage between Odysseus and Maria very interesting. Is there really no opposition to the match, not even from the Church? It may not be forbidden by consanguinity, but it still seems pretty scandalous for the heir to the throne to marry his cousin's and former Emperor's mistress, who already has 2 bastards by him. Not to mention she isn't exactly high-born. I don't recall her exact background, but if the Ottoman prince could give her away as a concubine she's probably not from the noblest stock. I guess with the war there are more pressing concerns but still, this seems all a bit too smooth to me.

Also, being step-sons of the future Emperor doesn't exactly weaken the claim of Maria's sons or take them out of the succession completely. Sure, any potential offspring of Odysseus and Maria would still have priority, but it just smells like trouble. And I'm still unsure about Maria's motivations. We know Odysseus is head over heels in love with her, but Maria could just as well be motivated by political concerns. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with that, it just makes me wonder about her goals and the succession after Odysseus. Of course we might never get to that stage if the Wittelsbachs soon sit in the White Palace and this Forum collectively looses its mind. :D
Isn't this the best (and maybe last) chance the German Princes have at rebelling against the House of Wittelsbach? If Theodor succeeds in the east, what's to stop him from bringing back those autocratic tendencies back west? And the further the army pushes into Roman territory, the more difficult it will be to extract them out. The seeds of discontent amongst the Germans seem to already have been sowed.

The Lombards may have made a huge mistake, yes they outmatch Sicily, but they have essentially turned their entire coastline into a Roman Naval shooting range, the economic damage will be huge.
Careful. Knowing Roman luck a storm will wash away half the Navy while a brilliant Lombard admiral will destroy the other half.

Also, if Napoleon does show up in the coming updates I guess we know the most likely theatre of war. What are the chances he'll participate in an attack on Corsica?


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Also, if Napoleon does show up in the coming updates I guess we know the most likely theatre of war. What are the chances he'll participate in an attack on Corsica?

It would be funny if he made his name in a diversionary campaign that succeeds beyond expectation since he came to France's notice due to leading his diversionary thrust into Italy to an overwhelming victory as the main German thrust bogged down.
Why would napelon still be alive?
He is not the only immigrant to Rhomania this year as the Lombards move on Genoa in alliance with the Kingdom of the Isles. It is a rather easy conquest given the substantial fifth column in the city itself but many of the Ligurian nobility prefer to make sail, the bulk making their way to Egypt where both the Kephale of Alexandria and the Despot are desirous of new subjects. Thus it comes to pass that Napoleone di Buonaparte is born on the docks of Alexandria.

Here you go. Napoleon is a Roman Naval Officer TTL.
It would be funny if he made his name in a diversionary campaign that succeeds beyond expectation since he came to France's notice due to leading his diversionary thrust into Italy to an overwhelming victory as the main German thrust bogged down.
He'll definitely make a name for himself in this war. It's a time of crisis just like the OTL French Revolutionary Wars and chaos is a ladder.