Winter Of Discontent: The Confederate Elections Of 2013

So what has the pro-CSA government in Alaska done to alienate the Native Population?

The native population was alienated since the start of the campaign. Because Todd Palin and his "Alaska Independent Party" got on the ballot and then ran on a platform of "taxation and control of radical indigenous politics" (which really meant "attempts to control Point Barrow's influence on Juneau") which was gaining traction, President Lisa Murkowski started spouting similar rhetoric AND started calling for legislation that would do that ahead of the election.

Murkowski won 4 years prior on a coalition with a group of First Nations parties backed by the Point Barrow energy concerns. Murkowski forsaken that coalition led to a splinter and led the several indigenous parties putting forth their own candidates.

However, in revenge for indigenous attempts to block the AIP from the ballot, the AIP, and their funding sources from the RMR, California, and by extension, the CSA, successful mounted a court challenge that effectively blocked the native parties, and then put up efforts to supress the native vote.

That helped Palin squeak out a narrow win. But it came at a price as Atlanta's rats began to emerge from their holes.

Palin and his CSS patron (who beginning his own play for political power in the RMR) miscalculated in two areas. 1. The Point Barrow global reach and 2. The native population of Alaska forces.

On 4 December 2016, those two forces came to bear as the native populations of Alaska set declaration of secession against the newly installed Palin government if it was allowed to rule with boundaries set at a line from Point Barrow/Arctic Circle north to Fairbanks south. Also breaking away were the Aleutian Island chain.

In response, President Palin called for Red Chinese and Confederate assistance, and that assistance has come pouring in.

In late December, Red Chinese pacified the Aleutians partially, but the Free Alaskan Air Forces, under the command of renegade General Trajan Langdon held the Chinese off at the southern end of the chain, and gave Aleutian, Free Alaskan and Trans-Siberan allied troops time to reform and dig in. The action also sent a message to the pro-Atlanta government in Juneau that the mass exodus of Alaska military could defend themselves, if not take the country by force at this time.

Palin was inaugurated in emergency session on New Years Eve 2016. President Lisa Murkowski, a target of arrest by what was dubbed "Alaska International Security Police" (a.k.a. CSS Wildcard Agents based in the RGC), was taken to a safe location in the RGC by California Intelligence operatives.

As of this day Friday June 30th a cease fire has held between the two areas, but continuing actions by California, and Japanese backed guerrillas continue in the major areas of what the opposition has called "Atlantalaska".

So what has the pro-CSA government in Alaska done to alienate the Native Population?

The native population was alienated since the start of the campaign. Because Todd Palin and his "Alaska Independent Party" got on the ballot and then ran on a platform of "taxation and control of radical indigenous politics" (which really meant "attempts to control Point Barrow's influence on Juneau") which was gaining traction, President Lisa Murkowski started spouting similar rhetoric AND started calling for legislation that would do that ahead of the election.

Murkowski won 4 years prior on a coalition with a group of First Nations parties backed by the Point Barrow energy concerns. Murkowski forsaken that coalition led to a splinter and led the several indigenous parties putting forth their own candidates.

However, in revenge for indigenous attempts to block the AIP from the ballot, the AIP, and their funding sources from the RMR, California, and by extension, the CSA, successful mounted a court challenge that effectively blocked the native parties, and then put up efforts to supress the native vote.

That helped Palin squeak out a narrow win. But it came at a price as Atlanta's rats began to emerge from their holes.

Palin and his CSS patron (who beginning his own play for political power in the RMR) miscalculated in two areas. 1. The Point Barrow global reach and 2. The native population of Alaska forces.

On 4 December 2016, those two forces came to bear as the native populations of Alaska set declaration of secession against the newly installed Palin government if it was allowed to rule with boundaries set at a line from Point Barrow/Arctic Circle north to Fairbanks south. Also breaking away were the Aleutian Island chain.

In response, President Palin called for Red Chinese and Confederate assistance, and that assistance has come pouring in.

In late December, Red Chinese pacified the Aleutians partially, but the Free Alaskan Air Forces, under the command of renegade General Trajan Langdon held the Chinese off at the southern end of the chain, and gave Aleutian, Free Alaskan and Trans-Siberan allied troops time to reform and dig in. The action also sent a message to the pro-Atlanta government in Juneau that the mass exodus of Alaska military could defend themselves, if not take the country by force at this time.

Palin was inaugurated in emergency session on New Years Eve 2016. President Lisa Murkowski, a target of arrest by what was dubbed "Alaska International Security Police" (a.k.a. CSS Wildcard Agents based in the RGC), was taken to a safe location in the RGC by California Intelligence operatives.

As of this day Friday June 30th a cease fire has held between the two areas, but continuing actions by California, and Japanese backed guerrillas continue in the major areas of what the opposition has called "Atlantalaska".

I'm surprised the AIP got as far as it did, or that Lisa Murkowski would have to use dog whistle terms. OTL, Alaskan Natives are like 15 percent of the population. ITTL, wouldn't they not only make up a greater share of the population, but have more political influence to make calls for their exclusion a political liability?
ITTL, the native population of North America is a shade above 20%. According to UN figure perhaps 50% of North American can claim native portion of their DNA at 1/8th or greater. Alaska's native population is nearly double OTL, and given the population political spread as a whole, their exclusion from the mainstream Alaska Republican Party opened the door for Todd Palin, especially in an election that had 5 viable participation parties, not including the indigenous parties that were locked out of the process because of the AIP (and CSS) actions against them.

The Alaska Republicans are mainstream, largely centrist somewhat to the right. Pro-business, but also pro-environment
North Social Democrats -- main center-left party, they gain a larger share of indigenous votes, but often run behind the ARP in the cities
Alaska Independence Party -- Hard right, rather isolationist, and in 2016 became Confederate.
Alaska Ectopian Concern -- Heavy environmental, pro-indigenous rights party. Yet they lag behind in the native vote because of their hard no drill-no mine-no development-ZPG stances.
North Star Communist Party -- The Marxist-Leninist alternative. They average about 2-4%
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Deleted member 82792

So what has the pro-CSA government in Alaska done to alienate the Native Population?

The native population was alienated since the start of the campaign. Because Todd Palin and his "Alaska Independent Party" got on the ballot and then ran on a platform of "taxation and control of radical indigenous politics" (which really meant "attempts to control Point Barrow's influence on Juneau") which was gaining traction, President Lisa Murkowski started spouting similar rhetoric AND started calling for legislation that would do that ahead of the election.

Murkowski won 4 years prior on a coalition with a group of First Nations parties backed by the Point Barrow energy concerns. Murkowski forsaken that coalition led to a splinter and led the several indigenous parties putting forth their own candidates.

However, in revenge for indigenous attempts to block the AIP from the ballot, the AIP, and their funding sources from the RMR, California, and by extension, the CSA, successful mounted a court challenge that effectively blocked the native parties, and then put up efforts to supress the native vote.

That helped Palin squeak out a narrow win. But it came at a price as Atlanta's rats began to emerge from their holes.

Palin and his CSS patron (who beginning his own play for political power in the RMR) miscalculated in two areas. 1. The Point Barrow global reach and 2. The native population of Alaska forces.

On 4 December 2016, those two forces came to bear as the native populations of Alaska set declaration of secession against the newly installed Palin government if it was allowed to rule with boundaries set at a line from Point Barrow/Arctic Circle north to Fairbanks south. Also breaking away were the Aleutian Island chain.

In response, President Palin called for Red Chinese and Confederate assistance, and that assistance has come pouring in.

In late December, Red Chinese pacified the Aleutians partially, but the Free Alaskan Air Forces, under the command of renegade General Trajan Langdon held the Chinese off at the southern end of the chain, and gave Aleutian, Free Alaskan and Trans-Siberan allied troops time to reform and dig in. The action also sent a message to the pro-Atlanta government in Juneau that the mass exodus of Alaska military could defend themselves, if not take the country by force at this time.

Palin was inaugurated in emergency session on New Years Eve 2016. President Lisa Murkowski, a target of arrest by what was dubbed "Alaska International Security Police" (a.k.a. CSS Wildcard Agents based in the RGC), was taken to a safe location in the RGC by California Intelligence operatives.

As of this day Friday June 30th a cease fire has held between the two areas, but continuing actions by California, and Japanese backed guerrillas continue in the major areas of what the opposition has called "Atlantalaska".

Wow, a Civil War in Alaska...

Deleted member 82792

I'm sure that President Palin would soon find that he has a lot of opposition within 'Atlantalska'. I mean I'm sure there's a lot of White Alaskans who are going "WTF?! We don't want the CSA here!"
I'm sure that President Palin would soon find that he has a lot of opposition within 'Atlantalska'. I mean I'm sure there's a lot of White Alaskans who are going "WTF?! We don't want the CSA here!"

Yeah, I would think that even somewhat racist Alaskans value their independence, and would refuse any part in the CSA's games.

ITTL, Giuliani seems like a petty racist, but even he was abashed over the ties some of his political allies had with CSA.

Deleted member 82792

Yeah, I would think that even somewhat racist Alaskans value their independence, and would refuse any part in the CSA's games.

ITTL, Giuliani seems like a petty racist, but even he was abashed over the ties some of his political allies had with CSA.
I was mainly referring to the non-racist Alaskans, but sure, strange bedfellows sounds plausible.

Deleted member 82792

-- The CS-9 television network announced that they are working on a deal to have their hit science-fiction show "New Richmond" crossover to the television screens of western heathens. They are seeking a distribution agreement with the Republic Broadcasting Network in the Lone Star Republic of Texas and Louisiana. A CS-9 spokesperson said, "RBN is largely a Christian television network and we at CS-9 feel that such action could be olive branch between our Godly republic and those on the other side."

New Richmond, in its first season, has set records for viewership already. It is most successful debut show in the history of Confederate Television.

In a related move. Russia's TV CCCP 1 network announced that the first season of New Richmond will be a part of the network's summer schedule.

I can already hear the nerd-rage of a million sci-fi fans across the Lone Star Republic...

But outside the ADE prison camp, are three who got away. Three young people, A young security troop, Cameron Okagonefor (Samuel Shedroko), a aspiring pilot Maurice Lowe (Chris Brown), and a medic/daughter of the CCC Chairman Cyndi Bentley (Elle Fanning), were making a plan.

Would it work? Gotta watch the next episode Fridays at 8 in the East, 7 in the West. Only on CS-9. :)

"Annie, there's a lot of colored folks on this show. There's a awful lot, how do you think Confederate audiences will take to negroes on this show?"

"I think they'll love them, Kit. Ramsey Nouah was a big television draw in Nigeria and we were glad he came aboard. Mercy Johnson Okojie is a person we at Designing Women have big plans for as well. And I think young negroes will really wrap their arms around Sammy and Chris. I think the will be heartthrobs from the pro-social young audience. These character represent the Confederate spirit. Godly, Brave, open to culture and not uppity. I think people will love them, just like they'll love this show."

-- Designing Women Media Executive Producer Annie Potts on CS-9's "Showtime with Kit Hoover"

How do they get Black actors to work for them? At gunpoint?
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No. They celebrate/mourn "Rememberance Day" July 3rd. It's commemorates the defeat of the First Confederate Republic's army at Gettysburg in War of Northern Aggression.

Deleted member 82792

So, how do you think they get African-Confederates to play their roles on tv shows like 'New Richmond'?