Wikibox of the Week Main Thread


So, in one of my everyday strokes of genius, I have decided to create the "Wikibox of the Week" challenge, which is basically structed like Map of the Fortnight. I will take people's suggestions, and each week, I will post a entries thread and a poll thread for the best Alternate Wikipedia Infobox of the Week.

So, I'll get some suggestions and such, and the WotW will go out Friday.

As for Wikibox of the Week Challenge #1

A Very Different November.....
You're first challenge will be to present an alternate 2008 United States Presidential Election in Wikibox form but but Obama and McCain may not be the candidates.

Starts Friday.
It doesn't state 'till Friday, so if you have an entry don't post it here.

I would suggest leaving in the OTL map, and bring it into MS Paint or whatever you have, and put it in there.

I don't have one yet, I just will lose if there's no map, and I have no clue how to do that.

But sure, that works.
You might need to put some more parameters down. Can I, for instance, have the 2008 presidential election be between Teddy Roosevelt and Jack Bauer? Can I use the US from TL-191? Can I have the NSDAP and CPSU as parties?


You might need to put some more parameters down. Can I, for instance, have the 2008 presidential election be between Teddy Roosevelt and Jack Bauer? Can I use the US from TL-191? Can I have the NSDAP and CPSU as parties?

Okay, how about these parameters

-Fictonal political parties are fine (ex. American Liberal) as long as they are reasonable. For example no "Batman" "Pony" or "Hitler" parties.
-Parties that were present in America in the past that could have survived to the present day are also accepted.
-Parties spefically from another country (as in NSDAP and the CCP) are not allowed.
-The current parties are allowed as long as you do not use the same Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees from OTL.
-Candidates must be alive, now Theodore Roosevelt rising from the grave.
-They may be fictional, as long as the POD is before 1900. But again, keep them reasonable, no Chimpanzees, Dolphins or Martians running for President.
-They may be from timelines from other authors considering that the timeline stops before 2006.

How do these sound?


Does the country have to be called the "United States of America"?

Yes, it does. Otherwise it wouldn't be a United States Election, would it? But the US can be as large or as small as you like.

Does the electoral college have to be used? Can we have different states than in OTL?

No, it doesn't, but even if you must have a map showing the results by state.
And yes, you may have different states.