What If: Sir Walter Raleigh colonized Bermuda?

Historically, Raleigh attempted twice to establish a colony on Roanoke Island. What if he, for whatever reason, decided to colonize Bermuda first?

Let's say that he's inspired by Cortés, who didn't sail directly from Spain to the New World, but from Cuba. He decides that England needs a similar jump-off point for the colonization of America, and that Bermuda is an excellent candidate - and a good base for privateering expeditions against the Spanish, too!

Assume that he manages to establish a colony of about one hundred at Bermuda in 1585. There are no major accidents (such as wreaking his ships on the reefs!), and everything else runs roughly on schedule.

The colonists avoid starvation until the promised 1586 relief fleet arrive (the survivors of the Sea Venture shipwreck spent ten months on Bermuda and still built a pair of ships), bringing fresh supplies and more colonists. Ditto 1587.

Due to the war with Spain the next resupply doesn't arrive until 1590 - but the colony has survived!

As the Bermuda colony is intended from the beginning as a stop-over point for the colonization of the New World, it is likely they pursue maritime trades straight away, instead of trying to grow small amounts of low-quality tobacco.

So, how do you guys think this would affect the colonization of North America? Would a stop-over at Bermuda reduce the mortality rate among the passengers? Could a later Roanoke colony get food from Bermuda and thus survive (and maybe butterfly away that stolen cup incident)? And what about Jamestown?

Inquiring minds want to know!
Well, there were no indigenous peoples on Bermuda, so on one hand that's a positive for Raleigh. On the other hand, that's also a disadvantage because if you tried growing crops, the soil in Bermuda is probably too nutrient-poor. So that will be a problem not only for settlement, but for replenishing supplies for other ships. Reducing mortality rate? Probably, but that's not counting hurricanes. ;)