Danish Canada

Is it possible for Denmark to colonize Canada instead of the French initially colonizing it?

Since the Danes took Greenland in OTL, is it possible for them to get Canada as their own colony or will they only get a piece of it.
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Is it possible for Denmark to colonize Canada instead of the French initially colonizing it?

Since the Danes took Greenland in OTL, is it possible for them to get Canada as their own colony or will they only get a piece of it.
Denmark didn't fully colonize Greenland until the 1920ies so I seriously doubt it.
Denmark lacking the manpower pool of France would make it difficult. And did anybody else even want Greenland?
I *could* see one of those countries getting a bit of Canada, like Newfoundland, maybe some of Labrador, Quebec and/Or the Maritimes... But WHOLE modern Canada? impossible. ASB.
Denmark claiming Canada and founding some odd fishing village is plausible. Denmark doing anything with it is not. Denmark- Norway lack excess population, so they don't have enough colonists. And Vordenskap in Denmark makes it impossible for Danish peasants to go anywhere.
Denmark claiming Canada and founding some odd fishing village is plausible. Denmark doing anything with it is not. Denmark- Norway lack excess population, so they don't have enough colonists. And Vordenskap in Denmark makes it impossible for Danish peasants to go anywhere.

What is this 'Vordenskap'?


"Vornedskabet" was a law that forced farmers on Zealand and surrounding islands to live on and take care of the estate where they were born. It popped up in the 15th century and didn't completely disappear until 1702.

Of course, not long after that "stavnsbåndet", which was more or less the same thing, appeared. Bottom line is, moving was not a project a Danish peasant undertook without a great deal of difficulty.

(Long time lurker, first post. Hi everyone!)
POD April 2006: In response to tensions over Hans Island Denmark undertakes a secret nuclear weapons program. Over the course of early 2009 Denmark secretly infiltrates 4 medium-yeild fission weapons into the CBDs of Canada's 4 largest cities. September 1, 2009, the Danish PM calls his Canadian counterpart, lets him know what's what, and politely demands the keys. Canada proclaimed the 3rd autonomous overseas province of the Kingdom of Denmark.
Denmark (or another Scandinavian country short of a full scandinavian union) taking all of Canada is indeed ASB.

What is possible, though, is a Danish or Swedish Hudson-Bay-company. That doesn't need many immigrants, just hunters, fishers, lumberjacks and generally adventurers.


Or, going further back, a larger Scandinavian country containing areas with more people. Parts of northern Germany conquered in the Thirty Years' War? Personal union with Poland? A Scandinavian Canada with a POD after the 17th century seems highly unlikely.
Or, going further back, a larger Scandinavian country containing areas with more people. Parts of northern Germany conquered in the Thirty Years' War? Personal union with Poland? A Scandinavian Canada with a POD after the 17th century seems highly unlikely.

Canada is French by 1600-1650, And the Britwank Empire is already starting.
I suppose the Danes could found some small fishing villages/towns in what is now Labrador, leading to a Danish majority in that region.
What is possible, though, is a Danish or Swedish Hudson-Bay-company. That doesn't need many immigrants, just hunters, fishers, lumberjacks and generally adventurers.

This is where I was going in my Spanish Intervention timeline. The population thing I thought was resolvable. The end result was just going to be a country mostly populated by Danish-speaking Metis.

That said, it wasn't all of Canada.
I have an idea, but I guess that it's already going to be considered fairly typical of me. It has Vinland and the Kalmar Union in it... :eek:

Remember when the New World was rediscovered in the later 15th century and all European powers started claiming territories? Well, the Danish king immediately declared that because the Norse had colonized the long lost Greenland (now recognized to have been part of the New World) it constituted Danish territory and no other European monarch had any right to claim it (claiming Vinland he didn't really care about).

Now, I'm a huge Vinland enthusiast, so my solution will of course involve Vinland, but the point of diverge will be much later than the 10th century. The Kalmar Union needs to survive, and when the New World finally is rediscovered, the ruler of the union (most likely Danish), can then declare that both Greenland and Vinland constitutes Scandinavian territory, and immediately funds expeditions to go to Canada and retake the land. If the Scandinavians manages to get rid off the French (which will be extremely hard, and will most likely require an alliance with the English), then North America may peacefully be divided up between the English and the Scandinavians. At least initially.

In the Canadian federal election of 2011, Vinlændsk Blokken lost almost all of its seats in the Province of Vinland to the NDP.