AHC: Divided Canada after 1950

With a POD no earlier than January 1, 1950, create a concise, well-explained scenario in which Canada is divided into the below nations by January 1, 2000. Nation names can be different, these ones just seem like the most likely ones.

Blue: Republic of Quebec
Orange: Dominion of Canada
Tan: Dominion of Newfoundland and the Maritimes
Brown: United Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan
Green: Republic of British Colombia



ASB, maybe Quebec could somehow gain independance but how any sane person can allow these other states to form is unknown to me.
Quebec seceded, Maritimes + Newfoundland leave later, Reform majority, Ontario leaves, Reform rules the Prairies, BC leaves, Sas. and Man. leave the Reform Alberta dominated state

A depression would probably be needed to do this, so leave the popping of Japan's bubble until the Asian Financial Crisis
The Maritimes would just join the U.S.

I don't see Cascadia existing, either. Not without Oregon/Washington and not this late.

The rest is obviously impossible, too.
Would the Maritimes really join the US? I mean, if Canada doesn't randomly join the US, why would the Maritimes? I see a Maritime Union more likely.
Would the Maritimes really join the US? I mean, if Canada doesn't randomly join the US, why would the Maritimes? I see a Maritime Union more likely.

Problem; no offence to acadians brothers and the others, the economy of the Maritimes is... weak. Not sure if they would do that.... Better remains then with Uk for Newfoundland...
ASB? That is pushing it a little. The specifics are a little off (like Quebec loosing its southern strip and the Maritimes joining the US) but I wouldn't count it out just like that.

If Quebec passes the 1980 referendum and they negotiate independence (with a monetary union) how long until the geographically isolated Maritimes feel forgotten?

A Trudeau/Liberals that lets Quebec secede are not going to be popular. That means the PC, whose NEP is not going to be well accepted in Alberta/British Columbia. Both parties unpopular, mixed with a recession in the late 80s/early 90s that could fall into a depression if done wrong, means people will be looking for other options.

And once the secession cat is out of the bag, rather hard to get it back in.