MotF 32: Never Again



The Challenge
Your challenge is to make a map depicting all or part of a war from the point of view of someone from 10 years before the war starts. Said person has been informed that such a war will start in 10 years, but has otherwise only been provided with the vague location and nature of the war.

The Restrictions
There are no restrictions on when your map may be set - future maps are allowed. Nothing clearly ASB is allowed, but there is some leeway on this point as these maps are not meant to depict the actual situation but a person's biased perception of it.

The war may be a real war from OTL or it may be a war from an ATL as it would look to someone from a decade beforehand. Your map may depict only one theatre of the war, or the situation prior to or after the war, or a military campaign of the war and so forth, but it must depict part of the war in some way.

The war itself must be a shooting war (or a stabbing war, as the case may be), not just a peaceful conflict. The war does not need to be a recognised war between countries - it may be a major internal conflict such as a civil war or revolution, or a conflict that does not necessarily involve governments - but it must be a significant or major conflict and it must be violent to some degree.

I admit this description may not be wholly adequate, so if you're not sure if your idea would be permitted then please send me a PM.

This round shall finish on Saturday the 12th of March.


Any discussion must take place in the main thread. If you post anything other than a map entry (or a description accompanying a map entry) in this thread then you will be asked to delete the post. If you refuse to delete the post, post something that is clearly disruptive or malicious, or post spam then you may be disqualified from entering in this round of MotF and you may be reported to the board's moderators.

Remember to vote on the previous round of MoF!
OTL, 1929 informed about a War centered around Poland. We asked an American what he thought would happen. The map may suffer from the fact we accidentally gave him a map of the ethnicities of the USSR from the 1970s, not the 1920s. This however is likely of minimal concern. . . We hope.
In 2010, a Florida pastor named Larry Wilson, through some sort of glitch in reality, experiences an extremely realistic dream (which he will later describe as a vision) of the very real Arab-Israeli Conflict of 2020. The Conflict is actually a significant but very local conflict between Israel and its left-leaning (since the Arab revolutions of 2011) neighbors. The causus belli involves water drilling rights in the quickly-depleting aquifers of the Middle East, and although politicians on both sides invoke great ideals, the war is not really about politics or religion.

Wilson, however, gets only a vague sense of the scale and nature of the war. The one detail that sticks out in his mind is a battle between Jordanian-Palestinian and Israeli forces at a place called Megiddo. Wilson, an evangelical Christian who has read the Left Behind series and has some interest in the End Times, identifies this as the Battle of Armageddon from the Book of Revelations.

Over the next ten years Wilson attracts a modest following among both evangelicals and paranoid survivalists, and some media attention due to his bold claims. When the actual Arab-Israeli conflict breaks out, Wilson actually travels with a group of his followers to Israel to welcome the return of Christ and fight on His side. Arrested by Israeli authorities while trying to reach Megiddo, Wilson's group is discovered to be carrying illegal firearms.

A joint US-Israeli investigation of Wilson's group, now considered possible terrorists, leads the FBI to raid his home and discover, among other documents, this map, drawn in 2010, showing what Wilson imagined the alliances fighting at Megiddo to be.

A note attached to the map explains that dark blue nations are the "True Christian Alliance" which will be led by Christ himself at Megiddo, while the light blue are either secularized or Catholic Christians who will continue to trade with the Alliance but will not send troops themselves. The American left would apparently cause some trouble but eventually the "silent majority" of conservatives would push the US into the Alliance. Both these factions would evidently fight a Third World War against an alliance of radical Muslims (the Caliphate) and Russian and Asian neo-Communists. While there would be fronts in Africa, Eastern Europe, Korea and the Pacific, the decisive battle would be at Megiddo, where Christ would return to lead the Alliance and the leader of the enemy coalition would be revealed as the Antichrist.

Needless to say, Wilson made his map more and more modest every year that passed without a revived USSR or a Caliphate, until in 2018 he stopped drawing his maps all together.

Map to follow.
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Operation Polo from 1938

In 1938 we approached an British Political Officer in India and informed him that in 1948 there would be a war between the Indian Union and the Princely State of Hyderabad with an invasion referred to as Operation Polo. With only those details to go on, we sat back and watched the man paint a picture of the world a decade hence.

As Neville Chamberlain is currently blinking in his staring contest with Hitler over Czechoslovakia, it is easy to imagine that as long as the Conservatives are in power appeasement will continue to be the national policy. France will abandon Britain for a new partnership with Germany, Italy will bully the British into handing over large portions of Somaliland, Spain and Portugal will join the New European Order dominated by Berlin drawing nations like the Netherlands into its orbit. With the support of the New Europe, the KMT will do marvelously well against the Japanese and the Warlords, it will take time but by 1948 the Japanese will be almost pushed off of mainland Asia, to appease them the British will abandon Hong Kong, Shanghai and the rest of the concessions. In Mandatory Palestine, once the Arab Revolt currently underway is crushed the Jews are bound to try and take over the place. Most likely Chamberlain or Atlee whomever wins the 1940 Elections will let them go. As a result of this Transjordan will separate too, and most likely have a dynastic war with the Saudis. Both Judah and Arabia are likely to find support from the Germans. More influence to the Germans in Persia, and those blasted SS-Archeologists in Tibet are bound to be setting up some major influence there. By 1948 The Nazi’s and their allies will have covered just about every angle around the Raj, and secret support to subversives will be unpreventable.

By 1948 Labour is bound to have won an election either in 1940 or 1945, they’re bound to try to make a Dominion out of India, thus the nonsense about it being a Union. Once that happens, our Political notes, things are bound to go terribly. Chaos, riots, agitation by like likes of Bose across the subcontinent leading to Imperial troops being under fire a lot. He even suggests it could be like a second mutiny, even if it’s not that bad it will be rough.. Things would be so bad that by 1948 yes, Hyderabad would easily be taken over by Nazi’s armed with weapons from Mauser by way of Iran, the Portuguese and French Goa, Ethiopia, or Java. The Hyderabadi Nazis are bound to push for the coasts to cut India in two and to secure continuing supplies from their European supporters. With Dominion Status for India the army would be in a sad state, there weren’t enough Kings Indian Commissioned Officers to fill in a whole army so the new Army would be poorly organized by too small an officer’s corps with too few volunteers. They’d probably not be able to hold them. He’s not sure if enough British and Commonwealth troops can make it to stem the tide before the Nizam’s troops make it to French or Portugese Goa. He is certain though that if the Nazi’s can’t be stopped the entire Subcontinent will collapse into complete anarchy and be grabbed up by its neigbors.

Here's the map:

Map Challange.png