French colony in North America

How you could turn the whole Canada into a French colony after and/or before the French and Indian War? The goal is not as easy as it seems because I´m not interested in a change of the destiny of Luisiana, French India or the USA itself but only the fate of Canada.

I could settle for only that France maintained control over Quebec, Ontario and Acadia, but preferably on all current Canada.

Also, I would like to know your opinion on how it would behave the US and UK against a French possession in North America.

Before the French and Indian War:
Have colonization to Canada open for Protestants (especially Huguenots) as well as Catholics, and/or turn Canada into a dumping ground of undesirables on the same level as England.

Could be done if the rulers think that: more land = more power. And know that to keep Canada would be to have more loyal French people go there to defend it.

The US wouldn't even exist in its current form at least and doesn't get independent in 1783.

After the French and Indian War:
I don't know how it's possible to revert Canada back to France. And if the US revolts on schedule, I doubt they'd like a Canada given over to just another European imperial power, despite being allies with the French during the ARW.
Well, if the French had won the North American theatre of the Seven Years war, or if the Battle of the Plains of Abraham and all events before it had gone differently I'd say there's a fairly good chance of New France remaining a French colony.

Before that, there was a glorious period between the late 1500s (Ribault's Expedition) and the pre-Edict of Fountainebleau (1684) where Huguenot of the colonization of the New World could've happened. Ribault founded a few colonies in the hopes of starting up a Huguenot paradise. Unlikely, but the idea that Huguenots could've migrated to the New World if they were compelled by a France (probably a better alternative to them going to England or the Netherlands in their eyes) would've been nice. The main problem was basically ceding religious rights in the Americas to the Catholic Church- but if that could be changed, it's quite plausible.

Also, I'm shocked and hurt you've forgotten about poor St. Pierre and Miquelon. That even survived Vichy France as a colony :D though I'm guessing you want bigger and flashier.
Well, what I wanted was a kind of changing hands, something like a Brazil colonized by France or the Netherlands.
However, in the case of Canada, I came up with several questions.
  • The first is undoubtedly the neighborhood, since a French Canada would be very far from God and close to the United States.
  • The second question that arises for me is that of independence. I wonder how reactionary Canada before the French Revolution and even to the war of American independence.
  1. Assuming that Canada became independent in:the late nineteenth century, how would be its relations with the US? Could attract enough emigrants? Would become a stable state? Would emerge a manifest destiny to the French canadians? Would emerge a French US?
  2. Assuming that Canada are not independent by that time. The issues are perhaps more simple. Are the US pro Nap by that time? One could envision a British invasion or a Brit-US one?
  • Third question: With a French Canada and an independent US, where would move British interests in emigration? Australia and New Zealand would be more populated? The invasion of Buenos Aires had been larger? Would have more whites in South Africa? Patagonia? short, what parts of the world could be available to the brits?
You ask a lot of questions (and I have some myself, and I'll try and answer one.

Assuming that Canada became independent in:the late nineteenth century, how would be its relations with the US? Could attract enough emigrants? Would become a stable state? Would emerge a manifest destiny to the French canadians? Would emerge a French US?

Completely depends on the PoD. If by Canada you're referring to what becomes Lower Canada, perhaps a successful rebellion of 1832 then no, I highly doubt they'll be able to expand any territory southward. You'd need an earlier PoD for more of that southern land, and you'd definitely need a much earlier PoD then the 1800s if you want a French colony resembling anything like the United States.

Manifest Destiny would get butterflied away in that case. A similar situation or method of thought of course could come up, but it would be a different means ittl. In terms of immigrants: a Catholic state would be a huge beacon (and it was iotl) for people coming out of places like southern Germany, Ireland, Italy, France itself, etc. The United States had always been fairly hostile to Catholic immigrants. I doubt Canada/Quebec could compete with them in the long-run population-wise, and the U.S. would still probably get more Catholics in total numbers than Canada: but Canada would get a lot imo, enough to keep the country relatively populous.

The problem isn't getting population though, it's what happens when it becomes overpopulated. Iotl there was a huge exodus of French-Canadiens in the mid-1800's; partly because of discriminatory policies by the government, but mostly because jobs weren't that great in Canadaand farmland was pretty entrenched and unavailable by that point. A Canada with an earlier spike in population would get this earlier (likely), which could lead to conflict elsewhere. But it totally depends on what land Canada has.
You ask a lot of questions
And I have not touched the problem of Oregon

I highly doubt they'll be able to expand any territory southward
What about westhward? Settlers are needed to expand in Manitoba, Alberta, Northwest Territories and above all.. I have not touched the problem of Oregon. French Canadians would be able to colonize those territories against the US?