Mormon USA?

I don't know. There was a lot of hostility to the Mormons. After all, they were driven out of Illinois and Missouri and took up refuge near a salt lake. You might have to make some major changes in their doctrine (and I don't just mean the whole polygamy thing) before it could be accepted by the mainstream. I mean, the 7th Day Advantists are still around, even though the one who started that sect predicted the world would end back in 1844. He was wrong, and people still listened to him.

Valdemar II

I mean pre-1900.

So did I, Mormonism hasn't time to spread enough to become the major religion, beside the majority of their growth is a result of high birthrate. What you should remember for the first many years Mormonism was seen much as Scientology is seen today, as some kind of weird cult, it's only in modern day that has begun to change, which keep their conversion rate down, it doesn't help either that they isolated themself in empty west (through it has given bonus later) and practice polygami.


No. Christianity became a majority/sole religion in Europe by enforcment by the authorities. No such thing in the USA. NO religion can become a new majority religion on its own growth (with the possible exception of Christianity in Korea, but statistical flukes always happen, and besides this was only possible due to heavy dominance of Christianity in the world and especially the great powers of the time).

POD: Brigham Young takes 40 million wives.

(Note: just because I can make jokes like that doesn't mean all you non-Mormons can. Curb your tongues.)