Yellowstone supervolcano explodes 1934


I hated that damn BBC show!

If it somehow went off in '33, it won't be as bad because there aren't as many people living there as there are now. More importantly, most of our food production was dispersed so it won't all take a hit.

There are just so many factors in this that you would have to be a lot more specific in your question. It could very well be minor or the whole damn thing. For this I'm assuming the worst but even then we simply don't know. Worldwide we def have the equivilent of a nuclear winter and even if the immidiate effects are localized, a lot of the world will starve. Industralized countries with large agracultural production will surive intact but net importers of food are royaly screwed.
Supervolcano !!

Have to disagree there, Rayman, I thought it was wonderful. Plenty of familiar faces (to British viewers) among the leading players (wasn't the lead scientist the guy from "Sunset Beach" and did I see David Dukes popping up in a subordinate role - haven't seen him since Stargate Atlantis :eek: )

Anyway, back on topic - if we assume the scenario of an explosion in 1933 or 1934, then the climatic impact is just as severe with a worldwide fall in temperature leading to a mini or perhaps more than mini glaciation. Deaths in the millions though fewer than if it happened now or 100 years in the future.

In Europe, authoritarian leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini fare little better than democratic heads of state when confronted with a climatic disaster on this scale. The almost defunct League of Nations is powerless to help and with little serious air capability, such evacuations as take place are organised by ship with people from Scandinavia and Britain fleeing south in search of warmer weather.

By 1940, most order has collapsed north of the Mediterranean with warlords ruling what remains of society. In Africa, the colonies are now the homes of the displaced British, French and Italian Governments with the British Government now based in Lagos and the French in Yaounde. Tension between Italy and Ethiopia runs high. Elsewhere, Soviet civilisation has collapsed while the Chinese Nationalist Government has fled to Canton. Across India, the failed monsoon leads to famine.

Only with the return of warmer conditions in the 1980s does civilisation return slowly to the north...


i have a question about the zones in the movie. Why is the zones limited to US territory and dont reach Canada or Mexico? I find it hard that the zones would be streched east-west and not so much North-South. Why is that?

Oh, and as a swede i dont like the idea of Yellowstone going off, i dont want to be evacuated together with all of Sweden and Norway because Sweden is connected to Europe with a bridge at Oresund and lots of ferrys.

How would a evaucation of Scandinavia be like under a supervolcano-day after tomorrow scenario(although i think that most of the population in northen europe would die in the superstorm in day). The northen part of the country can evacuate the long way by moving over FInland and Russia and adding to the chaos on their highways.
stodge said:
Have to disagree there, Rayman, I thought it was wonderful. Plenty of familiar faces (to British viewers) among the leading players (wasn't the lead scientist the guy from "Sunset Beach" and did I see David Dukes popping up in a subordinate role - haven't seen him since Stargate Atlantis :eek: )

Anyway, back on topic - if we assume the scenario of an explosion in 1933 or 1934, then the climatic impact is just as severe with a worldwide fall in temperature leading to a mini or perhaps more than mini glaciation. Deaths in the millions though fewer than if it happened now or 100 years in the future.

In Europe, authoritarian leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini fare little better than democratic heads of state when confronted with a climatic disaster on this scale. The almost defunct League of Nations is powerless to help and with little serious air capability, such evacuations as take place are organised by ship with people from Scandinavia and Britain fleeing south in search of warmer weather.

By 1940, most order has collapsed north of the Mediterranean with warlords ruling what remains of society. In Africa, the colonies are now the homes of the displaced British, French and Italian Governments with the British Government now based in Lagos and the French in Yaounde. Tension between Italy and Ethiopia runs high. Elsewhere, Soviet civilisation has collapsed while the Chinese Nationalist Government has fled to Canton. Across India, the failed monsoon leads to famine.

Only with the return of warmer conditions in the 1980s does civilisation return slowly to the north...

Major wars in North Africa as the French move hundreds of thousands into these areas. In addition, Germany, Scandanavia and Poland form an alliance to force British Commonwealth to accept more millions of colonists into Australia and South Africa.

In North America everything collapses except along the Gulf coast and southern areas of the US as the temperatures drop. Canada, New England, and the Northern tier of states East of Idaho are abandoned.

California, Oregon and Washington, along with BC will probably form a seperate country as they have to deal with their issues without the federal governments help.

Also northern Mexico may be taken over by the US as it seeks land for the millions displaced by the disaster.