WI: Oda looses the Battle of the Anegawa River

Oda Nobunaga, who would do more to unite Japan than any before him, was almost nipped at the bud. During his invasion of the Azai he fought the combined Azai/Asakura Army at Anegawa River. Oda's forces were almost routed and Oda himself was almost killed, only to be saved at the last moment. The Battle was only salvaged when Tokugawa routed the Asakura force and slammed into the Azai flank. Let's say that Tokugawa takes longer and Oda's forces break. What happens next?
I would say the outcome all depends on the fate of Oda Nobunaga. If he dies, then history could belong to the Azai's. Azai Nagamasa was a more than competent commander and he was supposedly very charasmatic too. If he makes the right decisions he could replace the role that Nobunaga filled in OTL.
If he lives however, then he might just gather his forces for another rematch and win. He did escape a previous attempt on his life by the Azai, then it is possible.
There is also the possibility that Oda might believe that Tokugawa was intentionally late. If so, that could make him more likely to abandon him if he is fighting the Takeda. (In OTL Oda almost left him to it)